Mark twain is born
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://a4.files.biography.com/image/upload/c_fit,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,h_1200,q_80,w_1200/MTE5NDg0MDU1MTUzNTA5OTAz.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.biography.com/people/mark-twain-9512564&h=1200&w=1200&tbnid=0QdH_oOSRvZSnM:&tbnh=186&tbnw=186&usg=__EKRFdDY-NlkWLKQaRs1YaIQQN5c=&docid=6lxFyDssZb3wBM&itg=1On Novemeber 30th 1835 Samuel was born. Samuel was born in Missouri Florida. Samuel was the 6th child in his family. HIs parents are John Marshall Clemens And Jane Lampton Clemens. -
Moving to Hannibal
Four years after Sam and his family moved to Hannibal, thats when Sam started to see boats of all sorts because hannibal was near a river http://cp91279.biography.com/1000509261001/1000509261001_2224065349001_Bio-Biography-Mark-Twain-Early-Years-SF-HD-768x432-16x9.jpg -
Mark Twains afther died
When Sam was only 12 years old his father John Marshall
Clemens passed away. The man was 74 years old when he
died. He died from smoking pipe, He died from pneumonia ( Fluid filled his lungs) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/Mark_Twain,_Brady-Handy_photo_portrait,_Feb_7,_1871,_cropped.jpg -
Mark twain dropped out of school and got a job
-9512564#early-life](http://<a href='http://http://www.biography.com/people/mark-twain-9512564#early-life' >http://www.biography.com/people/mark-twain-9512564#early-life' ><a When mark was 16 he left
school and got a job as a steam boat pilot
9512564#early-life) http://www.twainquotes.com/steamboat3.jpg -
Mark twains book Huckleberry and finn was being publised
Hannibal inspired a lot of his famous books. When he was older Hannibal inperiered Huckleberry and finn
he headed west and as soon as he knew it he was the most famous storyteller in Cailfornia, thats when his carrer started. He them used his stage name 'Mark Twain' from when he was a steam boat pilot. -
His book Huckleberry and finn was publised
8#q=when did mark twain wrote his first book
Mark puplished his own novel 'Huckle berry and -
He's a star *
Mark Twain was only 34 years old and he was a famous
journalist/Traveler he wa the mos famous writer in america
http://underthetablebooks.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Mark_Twain.jpg -
True love has been found!
When mark was only 35 hw found is ture love. Olivia Langdon, a 24 year old woman. Later they had four kids and settled in Buffalo MO -
mark and his wife moved to hartford connectitcut
Twain and his family move to Hartford, Connecticut.http://alumni.virginia.edu/uvaclubs/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2013/04/Hartford.jpg -
A sad day
right after mark twain died his youngest daughter Jean Clemens died of drowinghttp://steamboattimes.com/images/mark_twain_gallery/jane_lampton_clemens_glassesportrait_sepia257x349.jpg -
All good things come to an end.
This day is the day Mark Twain died. He was 74 when he died.http://www.findagrave.com/icons2/stickers/twain.jpg