Mark Twain

  • Born

    Mark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri.
  • Moved

    Mark's family moved to Hannibal, Missouri. While in Hannibal, Mark's father, Judge J.M. Clemens, began to operate a ​general store.
  • Western Union Newspaper

    Western Union Newspaper
    After Sam's father died, Orion, Sam's older brother, returned to Hannibal and bought Western Union Newspaper. Sam began to work for his brother.
  • Nevada

    Sam traveled around as a journeyman for a while and soon found his way to Nevada. He settled on the Virginia City, Nevada Territorial Enterprise as a reporter. This was the first time he used his pen name, Mark Twain. This was just the beginning of his journey as Mark Twain.
  • Hornet

    Mark reports on a shipwreck of the Hornet. At this time he finally gets to give his first public lecture.
  • Married and Moved

    Mark got engaged, then shortly after, married to a woman named Livy. Livy's father bought them a house in Buffalo, New York.
  • Mark Twain's Self-Pasting Scrapbook

    Mark received a patent for a self-pasting scrapbook. This was one of his inventions that made him money.
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was published.
  • Life on the Mississippi

    Life on the Mississippi
    Life on the Mississippi published.
  • Lectures

    He goes back to traveling around the world on lecture tours to restore finances.
  • Oxford

    Mark Twain traveled to Oxford University in England to receive an ​honorary doctorate degree.
  • Passed Away

    After traveling worldwide for his lectures, Mark made his last trip to Bermuda because his heart complications started to get worse. He died on April 21 and was buried next to his wife.