Mark Twain

By sb3944
  • Mark Twain was Born

    Mark Twain was Born
    Mark Twain aka Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born in Florida and was the sixth child of John Marshall and Jane Lampton Clemens.
  • Family moves to Hannibal

    Family moves to Hannibal
    This move to a riverbank town probably is what motivated Twain's love for the Mississippi River.
  • Twain's Father Died

    Twain's Father Died
    Mark Twain's aka Samuel Langhorne Clemens father dies making the family go through a time of financial hardship.
  • Mark Twain begins working as a Printer

    After his father died Samuel's mother needed a second source of income so Mark Twain took a job as a apprentice printer at 12 years old.
  • Twain's brother died

    Twain's brother tragically died in an explosion on the steamboat Pennslyvania. He was only 20 years old and was the youngest in the Clemens family.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War starts and forces Twain to end his steamboat career. After that Twain spent 2 whole weeks training in a volunteer Confederate militia before was broken up.
  • Twain goes to Nevada

    Twain went to the West with his brother Orion. He tried to mine and did a few other things before he settled on reporting for a magazine in Virginia City, Nevada.
  • Twain visits Calaveras County

    Twain visits the famous Calaveras County before deciding on living in San Fransisco. This is where he got his material for the "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" short story.
  • The 'Jumping Frog" short stpry is published

    Twain's short story "Jumping Frog" is published and is very successful.
  • Twain meets his future wife

    Twain meets his future wife
    Twain meets Olivia Langdon, who is a sister of a friend of his and he likes he right away. He later marries her.
  • Mark Twain's first book

    Mark Twain's first book
    Mark Twain’s first book was published, The Innocents Abroad, and almost instantly became a bestseller.
  • Mark Twain gets married

    Mark Twain aka Samuel Clemens marries Olivia Langdon.
  • Twains Children and move

    Twain had a son and then he took his family and moved to Connecticut where his daughter was born. Sadly that same year his son died of diphtheria.
  • Twain publishes : The Gilded Age

    Twain publishes : The Gilded Age
    Twain published The Gilded Age and one of his most successful inventions, the self-pasting scrapbook, in the same year 1873.
  • Clara Clemens Born

    Clara Clemens Born
    Cara Celemens was born and was the only child that outlived her father.
  • Tom Sawyer

    Tom Sawyer
    Tom Sawyer was published and was one of Mark Twain's most successful books.
  • Life on the Mississippi

    Twain publishes his book Life on the Mississippi, which is a memior of his years of a steamboat pilot.
  • Twain's starts his own publishing company

    Twain starts his own publishing company and this through later events was not such a good idea financially.
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

    Twain published one of his most know books The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and in the same year, he published a biography of President Ulysses S. Grant.
  • Twain and his family move to Europe

    Twain moves his family to Europe because of financial problems.
  • Twain's last novel

    Twain published his last novel, Pudd'nhead Wilson after his publishing company goes bankrupt Twain decided to do a world tour to pay back the people he owed money to.
  • Susy Clemens dies

    Susy Clemens dies
    Susy, Mark Twain's oldest and favorite daughter die of meningitis at the age of 24.
  • Olivia Langdon Clemens dies

    Olivia Langdon Clemens dies
    Mark Twain's wife dies after a serious illness that was going on for 2 years.
  • Jean Clemens dies

    Jean Clemens, Twain's youngest daughter, dies from severe epilepsy.
  • Mark Twain dies

    Mark Twain dies
    He died of a heart attack at home.