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Mark Twain

By Hagscf
  • Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens

    Samuel Clemes was born in Florida, Missouri.
  • Samuel Clemens Moves

    When he was four years old, his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri.
  • Clemens Moves Again

    On this date Samuel Clemens moved into the house that is now known as his childhood home.
  • Clemens Moves Yet Again

    Family is pushed into poverty and is forced to move in above a drug store.
  • Samuels Father Dies

    On this date Samuel Clemens father who was a judge, died and they moved back to his childhood home.
  • Sam First begins writing

    Sam Clemens apprenticed to Joseph Ament of Missouri Courier newspaper.
  • Clemens Continues Writing Career

    Sam begins work for his brother at the Western Union Newspaper
  • Clemens Gets Noticed

    Wrote "The Dandy Frightening the Squatter" for an issue of issue of Carpet-Bag of Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Clemens continues with a journey-man's life

    Mark Twain Begins Two-Year Apprenticeship to Become a River Pilot. While there he adapts his pen name, Mark Twain.
  • Mark Twain endures another loss

    On this date Mark Twain's brother Henry Clemens dies while working on a steamboat.
  • Mark Twain Tries his luck

    Mark Twain moves out West to become a miner. Little did he know that his failure at that would lead to some of his best works forever securing his spot as an American icon.
  • Twain Fails as miner

    Not being successful at mining, Mark Twain took a job as a reporter for the Virginia City, (Nev.) Daily Territorial Enterprise
  • Clemens Starts to make his mark

    Clemens signed a humorous travel account "Letter From Carson – re: Joe Goodman; party at Gov. Johnson's; music" with "Mark Twain"
  • Twain re-locates

    In this year Mark Twain moved to San Fransico to become a writer.
  • Twain gets first big hit

    He published the short story, "The Jumping Frog." The stroy appears in the New York Saturday Press and interest in Twain's work rises.
  • Twain Travels More

    In this year Mark Twain took a trip to Europe and the Holy Land.
  • Twain is on his own

    Mark Twain publishes his most famous book, The Innocents Abroad.
  • Mark Twain Finds Love

    In this month Mark Twain marries Olivia Langdon. She was his friend's sister.
  • Mark Twain Strikes Again

    In this year he published perhaps his other most famous book, "Roughing It." This book depicted scenes from his journey out West.
  • Period: to

    Mark Twain Continues to Publish American Treasures

    In these years Mark Twain publishes, The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
  • Twain Publishes Another

    Pudd'nhead Wilson is published in this year.
  • Death Continues to Strike Mark Twain

    Mark Twains Wife Dies.
  • A legend passes

    Mark Twain dies an American Legend for his writings and a hero in many people's eyes.