Twain is born
Mark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri prematurely. His birth name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens and is born to John Marshall and Jane Clemens. -
Period: to
Mark's Life
Twain moves
Twain's family was forced by poverty to move out of his childhood home and above a drug store. -
Samuel's first work
In 1948 Samuel was an apprentice to Joseph Ament in the Missouri newspaper couriers. -
Samuel switches jobs
Samuel's elder brother Orion purchases a Western Union newspaper and Sam works for him. -
Samuel's first published piece
While working at the newspaper company for his brother he edited once and submitted some sketches to Saturday Evening post for free. The sketch was "The Dandy Frightening the Squatter" and was accepted and published on May 1st. -
Sam's riverboat apprenticeship
In April 1857 Samuel found his passion by being an apprentice river pilot with Captain Horace Bixby. -
Samuel gets his license
Sam becomes a licensed riverboat pilot and works piloting steamboats. -
Civil War starts, quits job and joins Confederate milita
After several years of being a riverboat pilot, duty calls for Sam and he enlists in the Confederate militia... for two weeks and then he quits. -
Mark's First appearance as Mark
Samuel uses his pen name "Mark Twain" for the first time in the piece "Enterprise" -
Leaves for California
Mark leaves headed toward California in may and ends up being employed by San Francisco Call newspaper. -
Mark hears the Frog story
In 1865 Twain visited Jackass Hill where he heard his inspiration for "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County". Twain tried gold mining for a bit but soon published "Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog" on November 18th. -
Mark lands a book contract
Mark got contracted for his first ever book "The Innocents Abroad". The book was published a year later in 1969. -
Twain gets ingaged
Mark Twain gets engaged to his soon to be wife Olivia Louise Langdon in New York. Later in August Twain bought equity in Buffalo Express Newspapers and works as an editor there. -
Mark gets married
Mark marries Olivia Langdon in Elmira -
Mark's kid doesn't die
Mark's daughter Susy was born on March 19th of 1872. -
Mark's kid dies
Mark and Olivia's baby dies in infancy in 1872 :c -
Mark gets a patent
Mark Twain receives a patent for an invention he made. The invention was a self-pasting scrapbook and was very successful at the time. -
Mark gets another child
Clara, was born and didn't die n stuff -
The Adventures of Tow Sawyer Published
After much time and effort, Mark unknowingly submits the book destined to become and American classic and center for controversy; The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. -
Life on the Mississippi published
In 1883 Twain publishes Life on the Mississippi -
Twain's family facing bankruptcy
Twain's family was in danger of bankruptcy in 1895, Twain went on a year long lecture tour in attempts to pay of debts. -
Mark's 70th
Mark celebrates his 70th birthday in New York. Mark out lived three of his kids. Nice -
Moved into final home
Mark moves into his last home in Stormfield, in Redding, Connecticut. He had some interesting visitors such as Helen Keller and Laura Hawkins Frazer -
Mark's daughter Clara Married
Mark's only living daughter gets married to Ossip Gabrilowitsch. -
Mark's last days
As Mark reaches the end of his days and heart issues become clinical. he returns home to Stormfield where he died and was buried in his family's plot.