Marilyn Monroe

  • Marilyn Monroe was born

    Marilyn Monroe was born
    Marilyn Monroe was born with the name Norma Jeane Mortenson

    So keep your head head, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because lifes a beautiful thing and theres so much to smile about. :)
  • Marilyn Monroes goes to a foster home

    Marilyns mom puts her into a foster home
  • Marilyn Monroe leaves foster home

    Marilyn Monroe leaves foster home
    a couple years after she enters the foster home Marilyn left the foster home to live with Grace McKee

    We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid, so are regrets.
  • Marilyn Monroes first marriage

    Marilyn Monroes first marriage
    Marliyn married her neighbor James Dougherty, but the marriage would all but end when he joined the U.S. Merchant Marines in 1943.
  • Marilyn Monroes first job

    Marilyn Monroes first job
    Started work at Radio Plane Munitions Factory
  • Marilyn Monroe changed her name

    Marilyn Monroe changed her name
    Marilyn Monroe changed Norma Jeane Mortenson to Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn was after stage actress Marilyn Miller, and Monroe was her mother’s maiden name.
  • Marilyn Monroes first time shooting

    Marilyn Monroes first time shooting
    Started shooting " A Ticket to Tomahawk"
  • Mariyln Monroe married her 2nd time

    Mariyln Monroe married her 2nd time
    Marilyn Monroe married Joe DiMaggio at San Francisco City Hall but they divorced October 27, 1954
  • Marilyn Monroes famous skirt blowing shoot

    Marilyn Monroes famous skirt blowing shoot
    The famous picture of Marilyn Monroe, laughing as her skirt is blown up by a subway vent, is shot on this day in 1954 during the filming of The Seven Year Itch.
  • Marilyn Monroe married her last time

    Marilyn Monroe married her last time
    Married Arthur Miller in Jewish ceremony but divorced in January 20, 1961that was probably her longest marriage.
  • Marilyn Monroe sings to president

    Marilyn Monroe sings to president
    Marilyn Monroe made history when she sang "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" provocatively to President John F. Kennedy at Madison Square Garden. (she had her dress sewed on her to be super tight)
  • Marilyn Monroe died

    Marilyn Monroe  died
    Marilyn Monroe died at age 36, they found empty pill bottles, prescribed to treat her depression, were littered around the room.