Marilyn Monroe

  • Birth

    She was born in Los Angeles County Hospital and originally her name was Norma Jeane Mortenson. Her mother's name is Gladys Pearl Baker and Martin Edward Mortensen
  • Foster Parents

    Foster Parents
    Gladys became mentally unstable and was forcibly removed to the State Hospital of Norwalk and Marilyn became a ward of the state. Her mother's best friend, Grace McKee, became her guardian.
  • Moved from places

    Moved from places
    Grace Mckee then married Ervin Silliman Goddard and sent 9 year old Marilyn to live at the Los Angeles Orphans Home.
  • Marriage

    After several failed attempts to find someone to watch her, the Goddards asked their neighbor if her son could marry Marilyn so that she wouldn't go back to the orphanage.
  • Started modeling

    Started modeling
    She signed with the agency and died her brunette hair to golden blonde. She became one of Blue Book's most successful models.
  • Divorce

    Marilyn saw her possibilities of a successful modeling and acting career and decided to divorce him when he returned from overseas in 1946.
  • Signed with 20th Century Fox

    Signed with 20th Century Fox
    Ben Lyon, a 20th Century Fox executive, was impressed by her screen test that he offered her a starting salary of $125.00 a week. Lyon did not like her original name and suggested that she take the name, Marilyn Monroe.
  • No job

    No job
    Her contract ended with Twentieth Century Fox and she was still looking for other jobs. While waiting she decided to pose for nude photographs for $50.00.
  • First award

    First award
    Henrietta Award:

    Best Young Box Office Personality
  • Niagara

    Niagara was Monroe's first major role. She played a femme fatale scheming to murder her husband.
  • Marriage 2

    Marriage 2
    Monroe got married to Joe DiMaggio. They traveled to Japan on a business trip and also combined it as their honeymoon as well.
  • Separation

    Marilyn and DiMaggio got a divorce after a dispute about her scene in The Seven Year Itch. She had to stand while the air from a subway grate blew her skirt up.
  • Name change

    Name change
    At the outset of her acting career, Norma Jeane dyed her brown hair blonde and changed her name again, calling herself Marilyn Monroe the “Monroe” was her grandmother's last name.
  • Marriage 3

    Marriage 3
    Monroe and Arthur Miller married after a reporter was following them and after trying to elude him he crashed into another car and killed the woman driver.
  • Pregnancy

    First Pregnancy: Marilyn got pregnant with Arthur, but lost it
    Second Pregnancy: Also with Arthur, lost it again due to an ectopic pregnancy.
    Third Pregnancy: Had a miscarriage. Attempted suicide the months after the lost pregnancy.
  • Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
    Monroe was asked to attend John F. Kennedy's birthday where she performed Happy Birthday along with a specially written verse.
  • Death

    Monroe was found dead at her bed with his phone in her hand after taking 47 pills to sleep, Pentobarbital, chloral hydrate, and a mix of Nembutal at her house in Brentwood, California between midnight and 1:00 a.m. There has been some speculation over the years that she may have been murdered, but the cause of her death was officially ruled as a drug overdose. They indicate that she was assassinated by order of Robert Kennedy, brother of that time the American President John F.
  • Burial

    Monroe was buried in her favorite Emilio Pucci dress, in what was known as a "Cadillac casket" the most high-end casket available, made of heavy-gauge solid bronze and lined with champagne-colored silk.