Marilyn Monroe

  • Marilyn Monroe

    Marilyn Monroe
  • Lived in Orphanage For 2 years

    Lived in Orphanage For 2 years
    Since her mother had a diagnosis and her father was unknown
  • Married first husband

    Married first husband
    Married James Dougherty
  • World War II

    World War II
    Worked at the Radio Plane Company in Van Nuys, California but was discovered by photographers
  • One year Contract

    One year Contract
    With Twentieth century fox she signed a One Hundred Twenty-five dollar a week one- year contract with the studio.
  • Divorced

    Divorced from James Dougherty
  • Marilyn Monroe poductions

    Marilyn Monroe poductions
    Monroe made her own studio called Marilyn Monroe Productions
  • Death
