Day of her birth
Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1st 1926 in Los Angeles California
She was born as Norma Jeane Mortenson -
Marilyn Monroes Early Life
Growing up she spent most of her life at an orphanage. Grace and Doc Goddard, took care of Monroe for a few years. The Goddard's were paid $25 weekly by Monroe's mother to raise her -
Tough Childhood
Gladys Baker, Marilyn Monroes mother was unstable so she had to give her up for foster care.
In 1933 after many attempts Gladys got her daughter back
Grace Macee, Gladys best friend became Marilyn Monroes guardian.
http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=marilyn+monroe+presents+queen+elizabeth&view=detailv2&adlt=strict&id=61BAEAEAC06B188511C5028E53129A2CB6DED1E1&selectedIndex=1&ccid=WmuXpkfe&simid=608048782081853701&thid=OIP.M5a6b97a647de2324c1668c7939cccd3bo0&ajaxhist=0 -
Modeling carrer began
She became blue books most successful models.
She dyed her hair blonde -
When was Marilyn Monroe Famous?
Marilyn Monroe was an American Actress,Model,Singer, who became a major sex symbol. She was famous for playing the "dumb blonde" characters -
Marilyn Monroe's Marriage
In 1954 Marilyn Monroe married one of the biggest hero's in baseball, Joe DiMaggio. -
Marilyn Monroes Children
Marilyn Monroe did not have any children. When she was married to Aurthor Miller she had two miscarriages. But she never had any children. -
Presented for Queen Elizabeth
Marilyn Monroe presented for Queen Elizabeth II -
Monroes career
Monroe starred in three movies released in 1953
Although Monroe had become one of 20th Century-Fox's biggest stars, her contract had not changed since 1958 ( she got payed lesser than any other stars) -
The tragic death
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/marilyn-monroe-is-found-dead On August 5th 1962 Marilyn Monroe died from a drug overdose. She was only 36 years old. She was found dead in her Los Angeles home.