Marie Walker's Timeline

  • Parents

    Samuel and Emma Moore. My mom was a housewife and my dad was in the Marines.
  • My brother was born

    My oldest brother was born
  • Birth

    Omaha, Nebraska at Nebraska Methodist Hospital
  • Hospitalization

    Born with a hole in the wall of my heart between the atrium walls spent one month in hospital
  • Walking

    Started walking
  • First words

    Daddy, mama, and eat
  • My sister was born

    My first little sister was born
  • Moving

    Our family moved to Detroit, Michigan. We lived in the neighborhood with my Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
  • Hospitalized

    I was burned on the chest on a weekend visit to my paternal grandmother's house. I spent nine months in the hospital.
  • My baby sister was born

  • Preschool

    Enrollment in St. Mark Luthern Church preschool.. I was the only child in my family to attend preschool
  • My baby brother was born

  • Kindergarten

    Started kindergarten at Noble Elementary school
  • Hospitalized

    I had a severe asthma attack at school.
  • First meeting

    Met who would become my boyfriend and eventually my husband
  • Baptism

    I was baptized at Trinity Hope Tabernacle in Detroit, Michigan
  • Competition Baker

    I started competing in bake offs around the state and won several awards before I turned 18.
  • Moving

    Our family moved to a neighborhood where we were the only black family in the community
  • High school

    Started Cass Technical High School
  • Moved

    Moved back into a predominantly black neighborhood
  • First job

    My first job was at KFC as a night cashier
  • Dating

    Started dating the man who would become my husband
  • Nursing School

    Started Job Training Partnership Act School of Practical Nursing in Detroit, MI
  • Moved Out / New Job

    Moved out of my parents house to my own place and started working at Sinai Hospital in Detroit
  • Marriage

    Married my husband Tom
  • First son

    1st son born
  • Second son

    Second son born
  • Third son / quit job

    Third son born and I quit my job to become a full time housewife
  • Last son

    Last son was born early with complications
  • Ordination

    Ordained as an Elder in my church
  • Illness

    Husband had a moderate stroke
  • Hypertension

    I was diagnosed with hypertension and started a lifestyle to keep it from getting out of control
  • Back to work

    Went back to work after my husband's recovery was well under way
  • Death in the family

    My mother passed away from congestive heart failure
  • Period: to

    Back to school

    Went back to school and earn my Associates degree in Nursing from Schoolcraft College
  • New job

    Started working for Beaumont Health Systems
  • Predictions

    The life predictor calculated that I would die at age 103