Marie Czarnomski's PSYCH 229 Timeline

  • My mom had morning sickness

  • My dad would talk to me through my mother

  • my mom was put on "high risk watch"

  • I was born

  • my grandma started to watch me

  • i rolled over for the first time

  • i started to talk

  • i started to play with playdough and play house

  • I learned how to read

  • my first day of kindergarden

  • I read my first chapter book

  • I started learning about different cultures and there impact on the world

  • My first sleepover

  • I had a growth spurt

  • I meet my best friend Natalie

  • I graduate from high school

  • My first day of college

  • I started working at Schoolcraft College

  • I had my wisdom teeth taken out

  • Graduate with my associates degree in nursing

  • Start working on my Bachelors degree

  • Get Married

  • Have kids

  • work out to keep my body in good shape

  • Become a grandmother

  • do mind stimuating activities to keep my memory

  • Die peacefully in my sleep