Marie  curie

Marie Curie via. Bailey.E.9

  • Russia is Taking Over

    Russia is Taking Over
    It is unknown when exactly Russia owned part of Poland, but when Manya was growning up Russia owned the part of Poland that she lived in. Learning in Polish was forbidin so she learned in Russian and in private was taught in Polish.
  • The Birth of a Leading Woman

    The Birth of a Leading Woman
    Manya Skldowska was born in Warsaw, Poland on November 7, 1867. She had four siblings, three sisters and on brother. Their names were Zosia, Hela, Bronya, and Jozef. Both of her parents were teachers.
  • Period: to

    The woman who changed the world of science

  • One Smart Cookie

    One Smart Cookie
    Marie graduated early at the age of 15. She graduated with highest honorsat a local school in Warsaw, Poland. Her father was a science teacher who taught her at home and inspired her love of science.
  • Governess Curie

    At age 18 Marie became a governess to fund her education. While she was a governess she attended secret classes in Poland that helped her learn about science.
  • Work Hard, Study Harder

    Work Hard, Study Harder
    Marie Curie finally saved up enough money to go to the Sorbonne University in France. She got the money from working and teaching children on a farm. When she was in France she lived with her sister Bronya. At the university she studied Math and Physics.
  • Two degrees on fire

    Two degrees on fire
    In 1893 Marie Curie graduated with a degree in physics. Then in 1934 she graduated with a degree in math. Though the classes were in french and she couldn't understand her teachers she excelled in all of her classes. Marie on school; " It was like a new world opened to me, the world of science, which I was at least permited to know in all liberty."
  • Here Comes the Bride

    Here Comes the Bride
    Marie and Pierre married some time in 1895. They met when he was in France. Pierre was an internationally known scientist and a professor of science.
  • Momma is havin' a baby

    Momma is havin' a baby
    In September of 1897 Marie gave birth to her first child. She named it Irene.
  • Let's name it Polonium

    Let's name it Polonium
    During her research Marie discovered there was an element undiscovered by scientists. The element was radioactive. She named it Polonium after Poland, her home country. On July 18, 1898 Marie published a paper to announce the discovery.
  • First Noble Prize

    First Noble Prize
    in 1903 Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize for Physics with Henri Becquerel whom she was inspired by. His discovery of the minerals containing uranium that gave of rays. Marie centered her research on these materials.
  • A second birth

    A second birth
    Marie was blessed by the birth of a second child. She named it Eve.
  • Poor Pierre

    Poor Pierre
    Pierre Curie dies on April 19,1906 in a horse and buggie crash. Marie said this about his death "It is impossible for me to express the profoundness and importance of the crisis brought into my life by the loss of the one who had been my closest companion and best friend. Chrushed by the blow, I did not feel able to face the future. I could not forget, however, what my husband used sometimes to say that, even deprived of him, I ought to continue my work." Knowing this Marie dove into her work.
  • Second Nobel Prize

    In 1911 Marie won her second Nobel Prize in chemistry for her discovery of a new element. This award made her the first woman to win two Nobel Prizes.
  • Death of a Leading Lady

    Death of a Leading Lady
    Mariei died on July 4, 1934 due to deadly amounts of raditation exposure. At the time people didn't know the harmful effects radiation had on the body. Before she died she won two Nobel Prizes for her work with radiation and for discovering Polonium.
  • Rightful Place

    Rightful Place
    Marie and Pierre were buried in the Pantheon in Paris, France on July 4, 1935. They were buried there because of thier discoveries and advances in the science field.