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Marie Curie

By Toasto
  • Marie Curie was born

    Marie Curie was born on the 7th of November 1867 in Warsaw, Poland
  • Marie moved to Paris

    Marie went to Paris to study at Sorbonne.
  • Marie gets married to Pierre Curie

    Marie got married to Pierre Curie which is how she got her last name "Curie"
  • Marie discovers Polonium

    Marie discovers Polonium
    Marie Curie and Pierre Curie discover Polonium while investigating radioactivity in pitchblende (uranium oxide).
  • Marie Curie discovers radium

    Marie Curie discovers radium
    Marie was hired to do some experiments, While working on them she discovered pure radium.
  • Marie and her husband win a Nobel Prize

    Marie and her husband win a Nobel Prize
    They where awarded with a Nobel Prize for their work with radioactivity.
  • Marie won her second Nobel Prize

  • Marie's creation the x-ray was used in WW1

    Marie's creation the x-ray was used in WW1
    Marie's creation the x-ray was used in WW1 to locate where the soldiers had been shot and where the bullet had hit them.
  • Marie devotes her life to medicine

    Marie became a member of the French Academy of Medicine in 1922
  • Marie Curie dies

    Marie got sick and died shortly after because of too much exposure to radiation