Madame curie 2

Marie Curie

  • Marie Curie was born. Warsaw, Poland.

    Marie Curie was born. Warsaw, Poland.
  • Marie's mother died from tuberculosis.

    Marie's mother died from tuberculosis.
    It was a difficult time for Marie.
  • Marie Curie entered the Sorbonne. France.

    Marie Curie entered the Sorbonne. France.
  • Marie Curie met Pierre Curie.

    Marie Curie met Pierre Curie.
  • The marriage's discoveries

    The marriage's discoveries
    They discovered two new elements for the periodic table: polonium and radium.
  • They won the Nobel Prize in Physics

    They won the Nobel Prize in Physics
    She became the first woman to be awarded the prize.
  • She won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

    She won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
  • Marie Curie died in France.

    Marie Curie died in France.