Marie Curie

  • Marie Curie is born

    Marie Curie is born
    Marie Curie was born in Warsaw Poland on November 7, 1867. She was named Maria Sklodowska at birth. Her family and friends called her by a nickname, Manya. (
  • Great Chicago Fire

    Great Chicago Fire
    The Great Chicago fire happened on October 8, 1871. The fire burned from October 8 to October 10. This fire destroyed thousands of buildings, killed an estimated 300 people and caused an estimated $200 million in damages. There was no known cause of the fire but legend has it that a cow kicked over a lantern in a barn and started the fire. (The Timetables of History)
  • Marie Curie marries her husband Pierre

    Marie Curie marries her husband Pierre
    Marie Curie marries her husband Pierre. She was introduced to him by her teacher in Spring 1894. Pierre had the title of Laboratory Chief at the Paris Municipal School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry. They both had an interest in each other and Pierre kept meeting her for tea. Soon he proposed to her and they became married. (Keller 27)
  • Irene Curie is born

    Irene Curie is born
    On September 12, 1897, Marie Curie gives birth to her first faughter, Irene. Before giving birth, Marie completed her research on the magnetic properties of steels. She submitted her final results shortly before giving birth. Pierre’s father, who was a retired doctor, moved in with them and helped raise Irène. (
  • Spanish-American War Started

    Spanish-American War Started
    On April 24, 1898, the Spanish-American war started. The Sapnish-American war was a conflict between the United States and Spain. The war ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America. (The Timetables of History)
  • Discovers Polonium

    Discovers Polonium
    Marie Curie and Pierre Curie discover Polonium on July 1, 1898. Marie and her husband Pierre were working together on Radioactivity. They were working with the mineral pitchblende when they discovered a new element. They named the element Polonium, after Marie's homeland, Poland. (
  • Discovers Radium

    Discovers Radium
    On December 28, 1898, Marie Curie and Pierre discovered Radium. When Marie and Pierre were working on the radioactivity pitchblende and found Polonium, they also detected another radioactive substance in the pitchblende. They named it Radium. (
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes president of the United States of America

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes president of the United States of America
    On September 14, 1901, Theodore Roosevelt becomes the president of the United States of America. He became president unexpectantly after the assassination of President William McKinley. He was well liked and he won a second term. (The Timetables of History)
  • Marie Curie wins her first Nobel Prize

    Marie Curie wins her first Nobel Prize
    On January 1, 1903, Marie Curie wins her first Nobel Prize. She made history by being the first woman ever to win a Nobel Prize in Physics. She won the prestigious honor along with her husband Pierre and Henri Becquerel, for their work on radioactivity. (
  • Eve Curie is born

    Eve Curie is born
    Marie Curie gives birth to Eve Curie on December 6, 1904. Eve was born in Paris, France and had her older sister Irene. Eve was mostly raised by her mother, becasue of her father's death when she was only 2 years old. (
  • Husband Pierre is killed

    Husband Pierre is killed
    Marie's husband Pierre was killed on April 19, 1906. After working in the laboratory in the morning, Pierre was on his way to the library when he slipped on the wet street and fell in front of a horse-drawn wagon. It ran over his head, killing him instantly. Her husbands death was very tragic to Marie, and she was crushed by the blow. (
  • Great Flood of Paris

    Great Flood of Paris
    On January 21, 1910, the Great Flood of Paris started. It was caused because of months of high rainfall. The Seine River flooded Paris when water was pushed upwards from overflowing sewers and subway tunnels. Estimates of the flood damage reached some 400 million francs, though there were no deaths. (The Timetables of History)
  • Wins second Nobel Prize

    Wins second Nobel Prize
    Marie Curie wins her second Nobel Prize on January 1, 1911. This was a huge honor because she became the first person to ever win a Nobel Prize twice. She won the award in Chemistry, for her discovery of Polonium and Radium.This time she won it alone, without her husband. (
  • The Titanic Sank

    The Titanic Sank
    On April 14, 1912, the Titanic sank. The RMS Titanic was considered to be unsinkable. Just before midnight on April 14, the Titanic failed to divert its course from an iceberg and badly damaged the ship. Soon after, the Titanic sunk. There was a total of 2,200 passengers and crew and 1,503 people total died, including passengers and crew. (The Timetables of History)
  • American Women can vote

    American Women can vote
    American women are able to vote on August 18, 1920. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave the right for American women to vote, was ratified. Beginning in the mid-19th century, several generations of woman suffrage supporters fought for the right to vote. (The Timetables of History)
  • Marie Curie Dies

    Marie Curie Dies
    Marie Curie died on July 3, 1934. Her health was decreasing becasue of all the years working with radioactive materials. Marie was known to carry around test tubes of radium in her lab coat pocket. She went to Sancellemoz Sanatorium in Passy to help her rest and regain her strength, but she died there shortly after. She died of aplastic anemia, which can be caused by prolonged exposure to radiation. (