Marie curie was born on November 7th 1867 in Poland. -
Moving to Paris
Marie Curie moves to Paris. -
Marie Curie gets married to Pierre Curie and her last name becomes "Curie". -
First daughter
Marie Curie becomes a mother to her daughter Irene Curie. -
Marie Curie starts her work with radium, while she was expirementing with radium she discovered pure radium. -
A noble prize
Marie and Pierre win a noble prize for their work in radioactivity. -
Marie moves up
Marie is promoted to the cheif assistaint to her husband in his labortory. -
Pierre becomes a teacher
Pierre becomes a teacher in Sorbonne. -
Another daughter
Marie Curie becomes a mother to another daughter, Eva Curie. -
Marie Curie is swept over with grief when her husband got killed when he accidenlty stepped in front of a horse drawn wagon -
Another prize
Marie Curie wins another prize on her own this time for her work on radio activity. -
X-ray used in battle
During worl war one Marie Curie used her research in Radio activity and the X-ray was brought to the battle field and saved many soilders. -
Marie deovtes her life to helping people and she joined the French Academey of medicine. -
Marie Curie comes to America
Marie Curie goes to america. But she is honored everywhere she goes even to this day. -
Marie Curie joins the fight against cancer
Marie starts a research with her sister to find a medicine to stop cancer. To this day the place is still opened and it is called "Marie Sklodowska Curie Oncology Center." -
Marie Curie passes away
Shortly after making the "Marie Sklodowska Curie Oncology Center" she got sick and past away. But till this day Marie Curie is still known, and she saved many of lives.