Marie Curie was born at November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland -
Early Years
at a young age she had to work at early ages she worked as a governess and as a tutor she earned enough money to move to paris and study at the Sorbonne University -
At Paris she earned a degree for mathematics and physics,she survived living on tea and bread -
at 1894 she met pierre curie, A local physicist who was in love with Marie but she soon returned to poland until she realized that keeping a academic position in poland remained a challenge,but soon she returned to Paris and got married. -
In 1896 Henri Becquerel discovered that uranyl continuously did a strange x-ray like radiation that can interact with photographic film, soon Marie found out that the element thorium had a similar radiation, she also found out that the strength depended on its quantity,soon she focused using a super radioactive ore called pitchblende,she soon found out that uranium couldn’t be causing all the radiation -
Two new elements
In 1898 they reported two new elements: Polonium named from Poland and Radium the latin word for ray, they also made the term radioactivity along the way -
Period: to
Nobel prize
By 1902 the curies extracted a tenth of a gram of pure Radium chloride salt from several tons of pitchblende, later that year Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel were nominated for the nobel prize for physics Pierre shared his nobel prize with Marie, so in 1903 the two Curies and Becquerel shared the nobel prize for physics. -
Pierre's death
After the nobel prize the Curies were working hard,but Pierre died at 1906 by being crushed by a horse-drawn cart as he crossed into the intersection -
After Pierre's death
Devastated, took over Pierre’s teaching position and became the first Female professor in the Sorbonne University -
2nd nobel prize
In 1911 she won another nobel prize for chemistry for her discovery of Radium and Polonium and her extraction of pure Radium salt making her the first and only person to win two nobel prizes in two different sciences -
In WWI she changed the landscape medical treatments,she also opened mobile radiology units and investigated radiations effects on tumors -
Marie's death
She died in 1934 from a bone marrow disease that many people think it was caused by her radiation exposure.