Marie curie toned

Marie Curie

  • Birth

    Marie Curie was born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw Poland. She was the youngest of five children, to her father, Vladislav Sklodowski, who was a professor of physics. Her mother however, died to tuberculosis when Curie was only ten. Marie Curie was a brilliant child and did very well in school. This event is significant because she would become one of the most famous scientists in history who would make incredible discoveries that would change the world.
    (Beatty and Marks 197)
  • 15th Amendment is Ratified

    15th Amendment is Ratified
    On February 3, 1870 the fifteenth amendment was ratified. The fifteenth amendment gave African-American men the right to vote. This was a very important event to American history. America finally began to treat all men equally. This also was the start of African Americans being treated the same in the government and in society. (Historycom Staff)
  • The Battle of Sedan

    The Battle of Sedan
    On September 1, 1870 the Battle of Sedan occurred at the French border fortress of Sedan on the Meuse River. This battle was part of the Franco-German War. The French led by Marshal Mac-Mahon battled, the German, led by General Helmuth von Moltke. The German won the battle. This battle was important because it led to the fall of the Second French Empire. (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica)
  • The Statue of Liberty is given to the United States

    The Statue of Liberty is given to the United States
    In 1886 the Statue of Liberty was given to the United States by France. This monument was given to America to celebrate the friendship France and the U.S experienced during the American Revolution. This statue is located in New York City, New York. This was significant to history because it symbolized the good relationship the two countries had. (Statue of Liberty History)
  • Marriage

    On July 26 1895 Marie got married to a man named Pierre Curie. Back when Marie Curie started her studies in science, she did not have a lab. This dilemma caused Curie to be introduced to Pierre through a colleague because he had a laboratory. The two developed a bond and a romance soon followed which resulted in their marriage. This was significant because Pierre was a big hep in Marie's work. Without him, Marie would have had much more trouble on her scientific work. (Beatty and Marks 201)
  • Daughter is Born

    Daughter is Born
    In 1897, Marie Curie had her first daughter. The child was named Irene. Even though having this child was a huge milestone in Curie's life, it did not stop her from continuing her work. This event was significant because it displays the devotion and determination Curie had towards science. (Beatty and Marks 202)
  • Discovers Polonium and Radium

    Discovers Polonium and Radium
    In 1898 Marie Curie and her husband conducted an experiment on pitchblende. They believed that another element made up pitchblende other than uranium. They discovered two elements in pitchblende. One element was name polonium after Curie's native country and the other was named radium. This was significant because it proved the world that there was so much more to learn about radioactivity and it opened doors to scientists to learn more about radioactivity. ( Editors)
  • Wins First Nobel Prize

    Wins First Nobel Prize
    In 1903 Curie won a Nobel Prize in physics for her work on radioactivity. Marie Curie marked history because she was the first woman to ever win a Nobel Prize. After earning this award, Curie became very well known in the scientific community for her accomplishments in science. This was significant because she proved that women could be a successful part of the science community. ( Editors)
  • The Wright Brother's First Flight

    The Wright Brother's First Flight
    On December 17, 1903 Orville and Wilbur Wright successfully fly the first airplane near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Orville Wright piloted the plane and it stayed up in the air for 12 seconds and covered 120 feet during its flight. This event was very significant to history. This was the first time history has ever seen an airplane fly. This flight led to the creation of the modern airplane that is flied today. ( Staff)
  • Husband Dies

    Husband Dies
    On April 19, 1906 Marie Curie's husband, Pierre Curie, was killed in Paris after stepping in front of a horse-drawn wagon. Despite this awful tragedy, she decided to devote all of her time and effort to completing the science work they both started. This was a significant time in Curie's life because after she dedicated her life solely focusing on her science. This shows Curie's dedication and passion toward science. (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica)
  • Wins second Nobel Prize

    Wins second Nobel Prize
    In 1911, Curie made big history. She received a second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry, for discovering polonium and radium. Marie Curie became the first person to win two Nobel Prizes and one of the only people in history to win in two different fields. This event was important to Curie because it made her more known in the science community. By winning this prize she also proved that women can succeed in the scientific community. ( Editors)
  • Creates an x-ray machine

    Creates an x-ray machine
    In 1914 during World War I, Curie wanted to use her knowledge of radiation to help people injured in the war. She developed the use of x-radiography by creating a portable x-ray machine, which was nicknamed "little Curie". Within two years 200 x-rays were set up in France and Belgium. This x-ray device was very significant because it was essential to the injured in the war and saved many lives. This also led to the creation of the current x-ray we use today.(Bosch and DeBakey 125)
  • The Panama Canal is open to traffic

    The Panama Canal is open to traffic
    On August 15, 1914 the Panama Canal was opened to traffic. The Panama Canal was a water way built by America that stretched across the Isthmus of Panama. It connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This allowed boats to travel across the two oceans. This canal was very costly to build but it was very important. This was significant to history because the canal provided a route to international trade and military transportation. ( Staff)
  • Travels to America

    Travels to America
    In 1921 Marie Curie traveled to America to share her discoveries. She gave lectures within the country. President Warren G. Harding even presented her with a gram of radium that was bought as the result of a collection among American women. This trip that Curie took was very important because she got to share her ideas and discoveries to other people in another country. The people in America got to learn about radiation because of this trip.(The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica)
  • Hitler becomes the President of Germany

    Hitler becomes the President of Germany
    In 1934 Adolf Hitler was elected president. After the death of the former president, President Paul von Hindenburg, an election was held and Hitler became president. This event was significant to history because Hitler would soon become one of the most infamous people in history. He started World War II and organized the Holocaust which ended with the death of over 6 million Jews. ( Staff)
  • Death

    During Marie Curie's work, test tubes full of radium were always in her lab coat pockets. Curie was always exposed to radiation which caused her to develop leukemia. On July 3, 1934 Curie died in the Sancellemoz Sanatorium in Passy, France. This is significant because Marie Curie was one of the most outstanding scientist in history and changed the world and science by her discoveries. (World of Health)