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Marie Curie

By Mary Nt
  • Birth

    Maria Sklodowska was born in Warsaw, in Congress Poland in the Russian Empire, on 7 November 1867, the fifth and youngest child of well-known teacher Maria Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867, the daughter of a secondary-school teacher
  • Chilhood

    When she was ten years old, Maria began attending the boarding school of J. Sikorska next, she attended a gymnasium for girls, from which she graduated on 12 June 1883 with a gold medal. She received a general education in local schools and some scientific training from her father.
  • University

    In 1891, she went to Paris to continue her studies at the Sorbonne where she obtained Licentiateships in Physics and the Mathematical Sciences. Due to her effort and sacrifice, in 1893, Marie Curie graduated in Physics in the University of Paris, being number one of her promotion.
  • Life in Paris

    Life in Paris
    Just a year later, she met the one who became her husband in 1895 and father of her two daughters: the also scientist Pierre Curie.

    1903 was the year of the recognition of her work. Not only she received her doctorate, also she and her husband received the Nobel Prize in Physics for their research on radioactivity. Despite her importance in these findings, she did not have the same recognition as her husband.
  • Death of Pierre

    Death of Pierre
    The sudden death of Pierre Curie (April 19, 1906) was a bitter blow to Marie Curie
  • Second Nobel

    Second Nobel
    On May 13, 1906, she was appointed to the professorship that had been left vacant on her husband’s death; she was the first woman to teach in the Sorbonne. In 1908 she became titular professor, and in 1910 her fundamental treatise on radioactivity was published. In 1911 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, for the isolation of pure radium. In 1914 she saw the completion of the building of the laboratories of the Radium Institute at the University of Paris.

    In 1921, accompanied by her two daughters, Marie Curie made a triumphant journey to the United States, where Pres. Warren G. Harding presented her with a gram of radium bought as the result of a collection among American women. She gave lectures, especially in Belgium, Brazil, Spain, and Czechoslovakia. She was made a member of the International Commission on Intellectual Co-operation by the Council of the League of Nations.
  • Death

    Marie Curie died as a result of aplastic anemia caused by the action of radiation. Her contribution to physics had been immense, not only in her own work, the importance of which had been demonstrated by the award to her of two Nobel Prizes, but because of her influence on subsequent generations of nuclear physicists and chemists.