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Marie Curie

  • Born in Warsaw (Poland)

     Born in Warsaw (Poland)
  • Contunied her studies in Paris

    Contunied her studies in Paris
    Studied at the Sorbonne, she obtained Licenciateships in Physics and the Mathematical Sciences.
  • Period: to

    Married to Pierre Curie

    He died and where married for only 11 years
  • She won The Nobel Prize in Physics

    She won The Nobel Prize in Physics
  • She won her second Nobel Prize (In Chemistry)

    She won her second Nobel Prize (In Chemistry)
    In recognition of her work in radioactivity
  • Period: to

    She was a member of the Conseil du Physique Solvay

  • Founded the Curie institute in Paris

    Founded the Curie institute in Paris
  • Period: to

    She was a member of the Committee of Intellectual Co-operation of the League of Nations

  • Marie Curie, together with Irène Joliot-Curie, wrote the entry on radium for the 13th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica.

    Marie Curie, together with Irène Joliot-Curie, wrote the entry on radium for the 13th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica.
  • Died in France at the age of 66

    Died in France at the age of 66
  • Marie Curie’s ashes were enshrined in the Panthéon in Paris

    Marie Curie’s ashes were enshrined in the Panthéon in Paris