Marie curie

Marie Curie

By jelonga
  • Birth of Marie Curie

    Birth of Marie Curie
    Marie Curie was born on Novemeber 7th of 1867. She was born to Wladyslaw and Bronislawa Sklodowski in Warsaw, Poland. Without the birth of Marie Curie we still may not know of the elemnts radium and polonium. (
  • First Lawn Tennis Championship

    First Lawn Tennis Championship
    In 1877 the first All England Lawn Tennis championship was first played in Wimbledon, London. Spencer Grove was the champion and he enjoyed the sport and was very competitive. This was important because Tennis is a very well know sport and there are a lot of tournaments now. The most well known tournament is Wimbledon which all started when Marie Curie was ten years old. (The Timetables of History, 467)
  • Vincent Van Gogh

    Vincent Van Gogh
    In 1889 Van Gogh painted the "Landscape with Cypress Tree". This is a very well known painting today and is popular. He lived in Auvers-sur-Oise, France when he died and that's when his paintings started to sell for a lot. When people like his brother gave him money for food he bough paints instead and wasn't very popular at the time. However now he is a popular artist with popular paintings to remind us of him. (The Timetables of History, 470)
  • Masters degree in Physics

    Masters degree in Physics
    Marie Curie was a very intelligent woman. Had she not been through the schooling she was in she may not have had as many great achivments in her life. This had a big impact on her future because she will later recive a special prize in the subject of physics. (
  • Degree in mathematics

    Degree in mathematics
    She earned he masters degree in mathematics a year after she earned it in physics. This also is important to her future because it will help with her many disoveries. She will later become a professor and will need the strong knowledge in mathematics. (
  • Golf Tournament

    Golf Tournament
    In 1895 the first U.S. open Golf Championship was held in Newport, Rhode Island. this is import at because it is still held today. People play for fun to relax or just competition. Horace Rawlins played to win as he did at the first official tournament. (The Timetables of History, 474)
  • Discovery of Polonium

    Discovery of Polonium
    Marie and her husband Pierre discovered a new element. They named it Polonium after her native country of Poland. Marie and Pierre will later win a Noble Proze for the discovery of this and radium. (
  • "Le Moulin de la Galette"

    "Le Moulin de la Galette"
    Picasso painted an amazing painting in 1900. He named it "Le Moulin de la Galette". He was influential then and influential now. Pablo Picasso was a painter, sculptor and much more. (The Timetables of History, 480)
  • Discovery of Radium

    Discovery of Radium
    About 5 years after the discovery of polonium Marie and Pierre discovered radium. This discovery is beneficial to their future. It is important because it helped them win the Noble Prize in chemistry together. (famous
  • Noble Prize in Physics

    Noble Prize in Physics
    Marie Curie was the first women to win a Noble Prize in physics. 1903 marked history for her and women everywhere. She proved that women can do anything too. (
  • Professor Curie

    Professor Curie
    In 1906 Pierre Curie passed away. Marie was sad she had a love connection with him and they also marked history in science more than once. However not all of this was bad because she became the first female professor at the institution he taught at after he died. Once again proving women can do important things too. (
  • London Olympics

    London Olympics
    In 1908 London hosted the summer Olympics. There were many strong victories during this time. London has hosted the olypics more than once and will continue to for a very long time. (The Timetables of History, 490)
  • Nobel Prize in Chemistry

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry
    Marie win her second Noble Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of polonium and radium. This time without Pierre. This time however was important as well because winning two is an even bigger deal than just one. (
  • Solvay Congress in physics

    Solvay Congress in physics
    She joined other great scientists like Albert Einstein and Max Planck in 1911. This marked the first Solvay Congress in physics meeting. She was considered an amazing scientist in her time and even now. (Henry Thomas and Dana Lee Thomas, 277)
  • "Rock-a-Bye Baby"

    "Rock-a-Bye Baby"
    Jerome Kern wrote "Rock-a-Bye Baby" in New York. This is a well known song that many kids are sung to when they are young and maybe can't sleep. The song became very popular as did he. (The Timetables if History, 486)
  • Death of Marie Curie

    Death of Marie Curie
    Marie Curie died at age 66 in 1934. She gave birth to two kids, Irene and Eve. Irene will go on to win a Noble Prize in Chemistry herself and Eve will write a biography and he mothers life. She left a legacy and did many great things when she was also be and her discoveries still help us now. ( (Henry Thomas and Dana Lee Thomas, 279-280)