Maria was born
Maria was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. Her normal name was Maria Sklodowska. Her parents were both teachers. In the family there were 5 children. -
Maria moves to France
Marie moves to France, to enter the Sorbonne Universety and changes her name to Marie. -
Marie marries
Marie marries Pierre Curie -
Irene was born
Irine they first daughter was born. -
They are experimenting , and discovering uranium ,polonium and radium. -
1st Nobel-Prize
The Curies share a Nobel-Prize in phisics -
Eva was born
Their second child Eva was born -
Pierre dies
Pierre dies in an exident. A horse-pulled vagon crushed him. -
Marie's nem Nibel-Prize
Marie wins a Nobel-Prize in chemistry -
Marie Curie dies.
Marie Curie dies at the age 67 in leukemia.