French and Indian War Begins
The French and Indian War was in between the Indians with help of the French against the US. The Indians were mad because the US kept taking land from them and got tired of it. -
Marie Antoinette was born in Austria. Her parents were Maria Theresa and Fncis 1, the Holy Roman Emperor. That means that she is part of the Hapsburg family. -
Period: to
Marie Anotoinette
Marie is told that she will mary Louis XVI
The reason she is going to to marry Louis XVI is because her parents wanted to reenforce relations with France. They never met until their wedding day and did not know a thing about eachother. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was a tragady that happened before the American Revolution. British Soldiers opened fired at Massachusett's citizens and killed 5 people. It is said that those 5 deaths were the first of the many of the American Revolution. -
Marie Antoinette marries Louis XVI
Marie went to France to finally meet her finace. As soon as she gets there they get marry. They got married in Versailes and it was one of the most beautifui occations ever there. There were over 5000 guests that attended.. -
Marie becomes Queen
In 1744 Louis succeeded King Louis XV making him Louis XVI and she became Queen. While she was Queen she spent a lot of money and was also a big gambler. She wore many beautiful dresses and had over 300 of them and they took over 3 large room just to store. -
Marie's first child is born
Marie's first daughter Marie-Thérèse Charlotte was born. She is the only child out of all of Marie Antoinette's children that live. Her daughter lived until the age of 72. -
French Revolution starts
THe reasoning of the French Revolution ws that people were happy with their goverenment and wanted a change. When they rebelled they forced Marie and her family to leave Paris. Austria was frustrated at what they did and attacked France and made Marie a traitor. -
Marie Antoinettes first son dies
The name of Marie Antoinette's first born son was Louis-Joseph. He did not live that long due to having tuberculosis. He only lived until the age of seven. -
Marie and her family leave France
During the French Revokution, Marie and her family were wanted to be kicked out of power becuase of how bad they were. They left before Austria could attack France and she then was known not only as a foreignor but a traitor. -
The Coinage Act of 1792
The Coinage Act was an act in the United States that helped put together an organised monetary system that introduced coinage in gold, silver, and copper. It was important becuase it sets up a naional currency which is later set up. -
Marie and Louis get arrested
Marie Antoinette and her husband were forced back to Paris. When they got back Louis was forced to agree to the Constitution they made. They both got charged with the same crime which was treason. -
King Louis XVI was killed
Marie husband Louis was convicted of treason and was found trial and found gulity and was sent to the guillotine. His death made Marie a widow however she is also found guilty and is found gulity of treason. He was only 39 years old when he died. -
Marie is sent to guillotine
Marrie was arrested just like her husband Louis and was for the same charge. She was also found gulity and when she was sent to the guillotine she accident;ly stepped on her executioner foot and is remembered becuase she apologized saying she did not mean to do it. She was only 37 when she died. -
French Revolution ends
The French Revolution was a major imoportant thing in France. After the revolution, France became known as the first European country to have a republic. Also a person named Napoleon became in charge and led France in many wars and many people died. -
Marie and King Louis are given a formal burial
The intresenting thing abut this is that it took over 20 years for her and her husband to be buried. Who knows where they were. All we know was that they were placed in a coffin as soon as they were exectuted.