
Marie antoinette

By Mesa5
  • Marie was born

    Marie was born
    in 1755 Marie was born as the 9 child out of 15 to her parents Maria and Francis.
  • her father dies

    Suddenly her father died of a stroke.
  • school(unkown exact date just 1766)

    When she was eleven her mother learned that Marie could barely read or write, since she never really had actually been schooled.
  • smallpox (unkown exact date just 1767)

    Two years after her father passed away smallpox struck the family 2 of her sisters caught the disease. Maria Josephe who died of it at the age 16. Maria Elizabeth who also got it was left with terible scars, at the age 23.
  • Mariage

    She got married to Louis-Auguste (i dont know the exact date, except april 1770).
  • Marie is queen

    Marie is queen
    Marie was crowned as queen of France.
  • First daughter

    After 7 years of mariage she gave birth to her first daughter, Marie-Therese.
  • second child

    second child
    Her second son was born Louis Joseph.
  • hatred

    Hatred grows for the queen.
  • 3rd child

    She had her third child Louis-Charles.
  • 4th child

    4th child
    Her 4th child was born Sophie Beatrix.
  • Sophie dies

    Her 4th child dies because of tuberculosis.
  • Louis dies

    Louis dies
    Her second child at the age of seven dies also of tuberculosis.
  • urge

    Marie urges the king to not to assembly reforms.
  • mob

    A huge croud of women marched to the palace and attacked the palace guards.
  • Marie Antoinette husband got exucuted

    Marie Antoinette husband got exucuted
    Maries husband got exucuted for being guilty of treason. (leaving her a widow)
  • Death

    She died on october 16, 1793 at the age of 37.
  • Louis (unkown exact date except june 1795)

    Louis her third child dies in prison at the age of ten.
  • Marie-Therese dies

    Marie-Therese dies
    Her first child dies.