
  • Madie's sense of trust, Trust vs. Mistrust

    Madie began to have a sense of trust when she was born. She was born with a birth defect. Raised by her mom and dad with the occasional help with grandparents, she never had to go to daycare and always had one of her parents with her and cared for her. This made her develop a strong bond with her parents. In Erikson's first stage, trust vs mistrust, the crisis is the developmental challenge to create an established bond with a trusted caregiver.
  • Madie's development of identity, Identity vs. Identity Confusion

    Madie's development of identity, Identity vs. Identity Confusion
    Madie developed a strong sense of identity. After growing up with a birth defect "cleft lip and palate" and facing the emotional and physical challenges and difficulties it came with, this developed Madie into a caring and loving individual. She stands up for herself and is someone who makes a difference in others lives. In Erikson's fifth stage the crisis is Adolescence Identity vs. identity confusion. A development in where adolescents must develop a secure and coherent identity.
  • Madie's decision to help, Generativity vs. stagnation

    Madie knew that she wanted to help people after being in and out of the hospital throughout her childhood. She studied and received her CNA license and was able to help contribute by helping out her grandparents and other people in need. In Erikson's seventh stage Middle adulthood: Generativity vs. stagnation, The crisis is the developmental challenge to care for others and contribute to the well being of the young.