Mariam's Technology Milestones

  • Apple iPod

    Apple iPod
    In 2001 Apple introduced there first portable music player. These devices were called iPods. iPods were devices where one could purchase or download music using iTunes along with playing other video files. My older sister purchased her first iPod a few months after it was released. I remember being obsessed over it. iPod definitely changed the evolution for portable music players.
  • Myspace

    In 2003 Myspace was launched, Myspace was a social media website where people could post, add friends and family, play games, and other features as well. I remember hearing about MySpace from my family and how it was becoming popular by the day.
  • Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone
    In 2007 Apple introduced its first iPhone. At that time it was a very big deal because this was the first ever iPhone. My dad was the first one to get the iPhone and I remember him saying that it was the best thing ever. At that time we thought the cost was ridiculous but worth it. My dad would be on it making calls, playing games, and taking many pictures. I always tried sneaking around to get even 5 minutes with his phone.
  • DS 3Ds

    DS 3Ds
    In 2012 Nintendo came out with their latest model of the DS which was called DS 3DS. This was a gaming device but with more upgraded features than the original DS. Some of the new features was that it was bigger and brighter than the original. I was gifted a DS 3Ds on my birthday which was two days after it was realized. I bought my first game which was was called super Mario bros to play on the DS. I actually still have my DS and I will play from time to time.
  • ECG Technology

    ECG Technology
    In 2018 more ECG technology was emerging. ECG is way to track and monitor your heart. For example Apple started adding a ECG component to their Apple watches so people could monitor their heart specially during workouts. More companies like Fitbit started enabling this option as well. I have a Apple Watch and this feature is really cool and definitely comes in handy. This kind of medical technology is really helpful and has a positive impact.