Mariah Ennis' Technology Story

  • My first desktop computer

    My first desktop computer
    The first time my parents bought a computer was when I was in second grade. Both of my parents work at the local hospital where one of their co-workers decided to sell their computer. My parent bought it off of them. This was before WIFI was even thought of, so we had dial up. Dial up internet took forever to load and we were not able to be on the phone while someone was on the internet. However, it was awesome when we had our first desktop computer. This image is from
  • My first TV

    My first TV
    The first time that I had a TV in my bedroom was right after my parents purchased Dish Network for the house. I remember that my TV sat on top of one of my dressers and it was close enough to my bed that my controller was able to reach. The TV was a Samsung box TV that my parent bought me for Christmas. This picture is from
  • My first cellphone

    My first cellphone
    The first time I had a cellphone what when I was in 6th grade. My parent bought me a cellphone just in case they weren't able to make it to my basketball games. This stand out to me because this is when I felt as though my parents were starting to see me as more grown up. This photo is from Pinterest.
  • My first DS

    My first DS
    The first time that I bought my own game system was when I was a junior in high school. I started my first job at Riverboat Pizza as the cook, waitress, and cashier. The first thing that I bought with my first paycheck was a pink DS and a Mario game. I was so proud of myself for working at the pizza place. This image is from
  • My first Playstation 4

    My first Playstation 4
    I recently bought a Playstation 4 on Black Friday. The reason I bought this was because my husband likes to play video games. I used to play video game, but as I have gotten older I played them less. I thought this would be something that we could bond over. Since purchasing my PS4 we play Fortnite all the time. This image is from