
Maria Theresa

  • Burlinton House

    Burlinton House
    During this time the Burlington House was rebuilt in London. This was important because it was built in 1764, and it was used for a private mansion for senior John Denham. It was also used for a five learning society and was a royal academy. It was later passed down to a different family until the government purchased it. Source: (Welcome to the Burlington House)
  • Maria Theresa's birth

    Maria Theresa's birth
    Maria Theresa was born in 1717 in Vienna, Austria. She had three last names but they never got used. Her full name was Maria Theresa Walburga Amilia Christina. Theresa was the oldest in her family and never had any siblings. She is important because since she had no siblings, there wouldn't be a emperor after when her father passes if she wasn't born. Source: (Farmer 102)
  • Table of Affinities

    Table of Affinities
    It was made by a French chemist and scientist name Etienne Geoffroy, called Geoffroy's Affinity Tables. This table is a sixteen column and a nine row table. This is important because it shows the least chemical affinity and the lowest ranked affinity species. This was the first ever table that was an affinity. Source: (Geoffroy's Affinity Tables)
  • The Measurement of Blood Pressure

    The Measurement of Blood Pressure
    Stephen Hales, was the first person to measure blood pressure. He measured it by inserting a tube into a blood vessel that allowed the blood to rise in the tube. He also measured the captivity of the hearts left ventricle and measured the speed of the flow of the blood vessels. This is important because, he was the first one to measure blood pressure. Source:(Stephen Hales)
  • Maria Theresa's Marriage

    Maria Theresa's Marriage
    In 1736, Maria Theresa got married to her cousin by love instead of who her father wanted her to marry. She got married to Francis who was the Duke of Lorraine. They got married when she was 19 years old and they raised a family. This was important because she wanted to raise a family and have grandchildren. Source: (Farmer 104)
  • Maria Theresa's children

    Maria Theresa's children
    Her and Francis had five boys and eleven girls. Six of their children died when they were a baby or before they became teens. Her children's names were Maria Christina, Maria Elizabeth, Karl Joseph, Maria Amalie, Peter Leopold, Maria Karoline, Johanna, Maria Josepha, Maria Karolina, Ferdinand, Karol Anton, Maria Antonia, and Maximilian Franz. This was important because she wants as many grandchildren as possible. Source: (Maria Theresa's Children)
  • Salic Laws

    Salic Laws
    When Maria Theresa was born her father was worried that they were not going to have a son.Her father made the Salic laws. These laws prevent any female heir to succeed her father. When Charles died she became queen at the age twenty three. She was queen of Hungary, queen of Bohemia,archduchess of Austria, Sovereign of the Netherlands, and the duchess of Milan, Parman, and Piacenza. This was important because without the Salic laws she wouldn't be able to become queen of Austria. (Farmer 104)
  • The War of Austrian Succession

    The War of Austrian Succession
    The War of Austrian Succession was against Fredrick the second, who was the king of Prussia. Fredrick the second formed an alliance against Maria Theresa for Prussia to get Silesia. When the war ended in 1748, Prussia got Silesia and Austria was forced to let them keep it. This is important because later on Silesia will have another alliance. Source: (Maria Theresa)
  • Friedrich Hoffman

    Friedrich Hoffman
    Fredrich Hoffman, was a chemist that discovered the base of alum. He was one of the leading medical systmatist that studied the nervous system. He was important because he would practice medicine to learn about the nervous system to inform others about his findings. He ended up dying in 1742. Source: (Hoffman Fredrich)
  • Francis

    Her husband, got crowned the emperor Francis the first. This was because of the death of Charles Albert. Around this time in September, he was proclaimed the emperor of Germany and Frankfort. This is important because Francis and Maria are both in power. Source: (Farmer 107)
  • Ben Franklin LIghtning Rod

    Ben Franklin LIghtning Rod
    In 1752 Ben Franklin, invented the lightning rod. He wanted to prove to people that lightning was electricity. He Invented the lightening rod which took the lightning and brought it down into the earth safely. He knew that it was a dangerous thing to do. He proved it by flying a kite and attaching a key to it. This was important because it protected people, homes, and buildings. Source: (Franklin's Lightning Rod)
  • The Earthquake of Lisbon

    The Earthquake of Lisbon
    Lisbon was the capital and the largest city in Portugal. This earthquake killed ten to fifty thousand people. During the earthquake a twenty foot tsunami occurred that hit the shore, which also killed many people. This made the people rebuild their city and mourned from the loss of their loved ones. Source: (History.Com)
  • The Seven Year War

    The Seven Year War
    After Prussia Silesia, Maria gained Silesia along with Parma and Piacenza. This lead to the Seven Year War that started in 1756 to 1763. This was the second conflict against Fredrick the Great. This sis important because soon this will lead to the treaty of Silesia.
  • Treaty Of Silesia

    Treaty Of Silesia
    After the Austrian Succession and the gain of Silesia, then the Seven Year War. Prussia made Austria sign a treaty about the country Silesia. The treaty was to give the lower part of Silesia to Prussia and not to get Silesia gained back by Austria. This is important because the treaty of Silesia made Austria not able to gain Silesia again. Source: (Maria Theresa)
  • The death of her husband and child

    The death of her husband and child
    At the age of 48, Maria Theresa's oldest son died. His name was Joseph. Around the same time the emperor if Germany and the Duke of Lorraine named Francis died which was Maria Theresa's husband. This was important because her husband and son where important to her. Source: (Farmer 110)
  • The Death Of Maria Theresa

    The Death Of Maria Theresa
    Maria Theresa came to a final death in 1780. She had sixteen children, a husband named Francis, and was the queen of many countries. She had a very successful life. She was very important because if she wasn't born there wouldn't be a ruler after her father's death. Source: (Farmer 112)