Maria Teresa de Calcuta was born in Skopje in the republic of Macedonia, on 26th August, 1910.
Her father died very quickly and Teresa could not be great with him. Her mother educated her in different way. -
At the age of twelve she felt the desire to be missionary. At eighteen she got registed in the High School Bienaventurada Virgen María (Hermanas Loreto). She was a teacher and director in the center St.Mary. From that Teresa helped in the different places and schools from the poor. -
Personal life and profesional carrer
Along her life she has been following the god's way.
-She began for wanting to be missionary.
-On having entered in the High School it received the Siter's name and she was a nun
-In the 1931 did her first votes
-Mother Teresa declared herself Jesus's wife enternally.
-She received Jesus's call, fundation the misionary ones of the Charity.
-Indian award Padmashri in 1962, and Noble Prize of the Peace in 1979 -
Before the death
- She had serious problems of health,
- She blessed her newly chosen successor as General Mother superior of the Missionary ones of the Charity.
- She spends last weeks of her life receiving the most dear persons.
After the death
-On September 5, 1997 she died
-Was buried in the House Mother of the Missionary ones of the Charity.
-MotherTeresa left to us the example of a solid faith, of an invincible hope and of an extraordinary charity -
Phrases of Santa Teresa of Calcuta
-Sometimes we feel that what we do is only a drop in the sea, but the sea would be less if he will lack a drop.
-The love, so that it is authentic, must cost us.
-There is no major poverty than the solitude.