Maria Montessori's Birth
Maria Montessori was born in Chiaravalle, Italy. She was born to Alessandro Montessori and Renilde Stoppani. -
Period: to
Maria Montessori's Life
Woman's Rights Movement Advocacy
Montessori was one the first advocates for the Woman's Rights Movement. She fought for equal pay for women. -
Receives a Doctor of Medicine degree from University of Rome
Montessori pursued a career that was not common for women during this time. She pushed the boundaries within the scopes of the medical field. She faced disapproval from her father and gender stereotypes while in school. Montessori completed her degree through many obstacles and bias. -
Mario's Birth
Maria Montessori gives birth to her son, Mario. Montessori had a love affair with one of the doctors she worked with, Giuseppe Montesano. She did not marry him because she did not want to stop her important research. The child's father fell in love with someone else and married. Montessori had a family in the countryside raise Mario for his early childhood. -
Works at Psychiatric ward
Montessori noticed that the environment was not providing the necessary stimulation for the children. She started her research and observations by including sensory stimulation for the children in this ward. -
First Children's House - Casa dei Bambini opens
Montessori provided activities and materials that were engaging for children. She observed the children have a natural order for choosing their work and once they feel satisfied, they clean it up and wanted to put it back where it belonged. The school received a lot of attention because it differed from traditional education (teacher and students in desks). -
First training courses offered
Montessori begins her first training courses to teach others the Montessori method. The first training is with 100 students. -
First book: Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini (The Montessori Method)
Second book: L’Antropologia pedagogica (Pedagogical Anthropology)
First International Training Course
Montessori offers her first international training course. Students came from all over the world to learn about her methods. She offered these courses in her apartment in Rome, Italy. -
Montessori Educational Association founded in the U.S.
Montessori travels to the U.S.
Third book: Dr. Montessori’s Own Handbook
Second trip to the U.S.
Montessori travels to the United States again, but this time with her son, Mario. She gives lectures to Kindergarten Union and National Educational Association. She also offers her third international training course. -
Fourth book: L’autoeducazione nelle Scuole Elementari (The Advanced Montessori Method)
Another book published: I bambini viventi nella Chiesa in Naples (The Child in the Church)
Mussolini supports Montessori schools
Another book published: Das Kind in der Familie (The Child in the Family in 1936)
Published: The Mass Explained to Children
Montessori schools closed and books burned
Nazi's burn Montessori's books and closes all Montessori schools in Germany. After realizing the differing views of Montessori, Mussolini follows by closing all Montessori schools in Italy a year later. -
Published: The Secret of Childhood
More books published
The Discovery of the Child, To Educate the Human Potential, What You Should Know about Your Child, and Child Training -
Book published: De l’enfant á l’adolescent (From Childhood to Adolescence)
Elementary education for adolescents -
Publication of The Absorbent Mind and Formazione dell’uomo (The Formation of Man in 1955)
Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize
Montessori was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize again in 1950 and 1951. -
Ninth International Montessori Congress
Montessori speaks at her last International Montessori Congress. Every time she spoke, it was always a new, fresh perspective. She dies a year later. -
Maria Montessori's Death
Maria Montessori dies at the age of 81 in the Netherlands.