She was born on April 1st of 1970, in the city of Tampico, Daughter of Rafael Juan Zubarán Guzmán(My grandfather) and Maria de los Angeles Delgado Pimienta(My grandmother). -
Period: to
She grew up as a normal girl, she had started to attend school by the time she was four, until she finished elementary school. She spent most of her childhood with her grandparents, her mother, her 3 sisters and 3 brothers in a humble house. -
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When she had finished the elementary school, she started junior high school along with her 2 older brothers, things went normal but in order to help a little in her house, she started working in a local store. Time passed until she get to the 16 years old, it was the time to enter to high school so she decided to enter to the CBTis 105 with just one of her brothers, because the other one decided to start working with his father. -
Event that marked her life
At some point between 1987-1989, her grandmother dies and when that event happened, she had made a promise to her grandmother that she will became a prepared woman, to be exact a teacher. -
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University life
When she decided that she wanted to be a teacher, she went with her mother and she tell her that she wanted to study that career, so her mother paid her the career of teacher in the superior normal school of tampico, while she was studying the career, she worked as a teacher in a local school, so she could help her mother a little. At some point of 1993-1994 she finished her career and she got a degree in education. -
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Young adult life
When she got her degree, she started working in the COBAT 15 as a teacher in spanish, later at some point she met my father and they got in love, things went normal for example she got more hours in the school, she buyed with my father a house and they got married. -
Birth of the son
I was born on March 14th of 2001 -
Birth of the daughter
My sister was born on November 16th of 2002 -
Master´s degree in education
At some point of this year, she had started a course in order to get a master´s degree in education -
Actual life
Actually she has a good job, a house, two beautiful sons and an excellent husband, she has a moderate life and actually her main goal is to help her sons to be someone in the life.