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Maria Curie

  • Maria Curie

    Maria Curie
    Maria Curie was born on October 7, 1867 in Vorsha
  • A trip to Paris

    A trip to Paris
    Maria in 1891 was able to go to Paris, where she studied chemistry and physics
  • Maria and Pierre

    Maria and Pierre
    July 26, 1895, Pierre (head of the laboratory) and Mary married.
  • Irene

    Birth of the First Daughter of Irene
  • The Longest Life

    The Longest Life
    In 1903, Maria and Pierre Curie received the Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Accidental death

    Accidental death
    The death of her husband as a result of accident (he fell under the wheels of a horse cart)
  • The death of Mary

    The death of Mary
    Due to many years of work with radium, health began to deteriorate.
    Maria Curie died in the hospital