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Margarita's use of Technology in Grade School

  • 5th Grade

    5th Grade
    Disposable cameras were very popular in the 1990's and early 2000's. This form of technology was very popular in my friend circle at school. We used disposable cameras during school field trips to document our adventures. Because we had access to disposable cameras, I have a visual record of my educational and social history during this specific time period.
  • 6th Grade

    6th Grade
    I remember a computer lab at the school that I attended for 5th-8th. I recall seeing rows of orange Mac Desktop G3's and feeling very curious. I don't remember using the computers, but I do remember one of my classmates in particular being very enthusiastic about them. I always saw him as techie and he was the computer expert of my class.
  • Starting high school

    Starting high school
    When I started high school my dad bought an HP computer desktop for our home. My sister and I used it to type homework assignments on Word. I remember using floppy disks to save the documents. Besides using the computer to type homework assignments, I really liked downloading music on Limewire and Napster to create my own music mixes. I felt very proud of the fact that I could "burn" mixes for my friends and I.
  • High School Days

    High School Days
    Besides using our home computer I recall using the desktops at the public library very often. I enjoyed spending time at the library and liked the quiet and calm atmosphere to focus on my homework, especially when I had to do research. Before our family had a printer I used the library printers to print my classwork. I recall printing my English essays as well as my high school exit research project.
  • The Birth of Social Media

    The Birth of Social Media
    Social media was very important to a lot of young people because it was a way to communicate with each other. Even though social media such as Myspace was not something that I used in school it was important for the development of my social skills. Traditionally a quiet and reserved person, social media allowed me to reach out to people I would otherwise not talk to. Another important aspect of Myspace is that I learned coding, a skill that I don't know anymore!