Margaret Dawson

  • Birth

    Margaret Dawson was born in 1770.she was a rich baby till her parents died and know one knows how Took the money.
  • Parents death

    Parents death
    Her parents died when she was 7 years old
  • Stolen

    She was tried at the old Bailey ,London on the 22 of February 1786 for stealing clothing,Jewelley and cash worth a value of 258 shillings she was at the age of 14 at the time.she got sentenced to transportation for seven years.
  • Transportation

    She left England on the lady Penrith to the great southern land 1787
  • Arrived at the great southern land

    Arrived at the great southern land
    She arrived at the great southern land 1788.she was 24 by the time she got there.
  • Work

    She got a job of a laundress for 2 years
  • Marriage

    She got married when she was 28 and had two kids after working hard for two years
  • Back to England

    Back to England
    In 1797 Margaret snuck back on a ship back to England to see her sisters but sadly they were already dead but there was know way to get back so she was stuck there.
  • Death

    Margaret Dawson died on the 16 February 1816 Westminster, St James Middlesex, England she was at the age of 42