Mardanese Conquest

  • End of the Era of Apocalypse

    After the Sentinels destroy the Great Weapons and some amount of normalcy returns to Rolvera, Maradan makes preparations for a full-scale war.
  • The Rise of King Abel II of Ganvalia

    King Abel II ascends to the Ganvalian throne under dubious circumstances. Ganvalia becomes a Mardanese puppet state and Maradan begins bolstering its navy.
  • Period: to

    Mardanese Invasion of the Greylight Plains

    Maradan launches a number of related campaigns that slowly annex territory from the Greylight Plains. The population density of the Plains is too low to put up significant resistance, but the size of the plains makes Maradan's new borders difficult to effectively police.
  • The Greylight War Council

    After fighting and losing to Maradan as independent tribes, the peoples of the Greylight Plains band together and form a war council, electing orc Chieftain Dumaa, goblin King Glick and bugbear Captain Burass as Generals of a unified Greylight army.
  • Mardanese Conquest of Commorro

    With aid from the Ganvalian navy, Maradan takes complete control of the Commorro peninsula and begins building military bases there. It is first territory conquered by Maradan to become a Mardanese Duchy; General Erkanez is appointed as the duke and he remains indispensable in maintaining the infrastructure of the Mardanese military.
  • Battle of the Aroama Ashlands

    General Lilander of Maradan turns what should have been a hopeless battle theatre for the Mardanese forces into a horrifyingly effective trap. The battle sees the deaths of generals Dumaa, Glick, and Burass, effectively ending large-scale military resistance in the Greylight Plains.
  • Election of the Tabaxi Generals

    Though they were selected long beforehand with the atmosphere of war brewing, the three generals of the Tabaxi tribes are officially given emergency powers as Maradan begins its assault. They are Blazing Sea of the Starlit Sky (Blaze, General-Offensive), Sunning Colt of the Distant Rain (Colt, General-Defensive), and Rushing Fall of the Hidden Mountain (Fall, General-Covert).
  • Period: to

    The Pride Wars

    Maradan, emboldened by its successes in the Greylight Plains, launches a simultaneous campaign in the east against the Tabaxi of the Eastern Jungles. They find far less success here, however; most of their forces are stretched thin across the Greylight Plains, and the Tabaxi have prepared themselves well for war. Maradan's eastern border has seen constant, moderate warfare over the past decades, with neither side gaining permanent ground.
  • Razing of Breakpoint

    After facing scattered resistance for a number of years after the Plains' disastrous defeat at the Battle of the Aroama Ashlands, the Mardanese army under General Murza razes the city of Breakpoint in the most brutal attack the war has yet seen. Most of the remaining resistance in the Greylight Plains flees or goes into hiding.
  • Period: to

    Mardanese Invasion of the Mudwood

    Maradan takes control of the Mudwood; they are resisted by the Mudwood's native Lizardfolk tribes, but the tribes receive no outside aid and are quickly overrun.
  • Period: to

    First Siege of Valment

    The Tabaxi warfront, led by General Blaze, steadily progresses southward during the initial years of the war to the point where the Mardanese city of Valment is placed under on-and-off siege for a period of three years.
  • General Zampho of Maradan

    After initial losses on the eastern front, Mardanese General Asko is discharged and disgraced. He is replaced by General Zampho, a young military prodigy.
  • Period: to

    Mardanese Invasion of the Glasspeak Kingdoms

    After mostly securing the Greylight Plains and Mudwood, Maradan pushes into Glasspeak territory. The battles are much harder fought and the progression far more slow, but Maradan is still indisputably winning. They have pushed their borders all the way up to the mountains.
  • Droqanji of the Mudwood

    Droqanji, a Lizardfolk paladin from the Mudwood, arrives in Volir City and begins making speeches, trying to get aid sent for his people. He continues traveling across the world in the coming years, garnering supplies for victims of the victims of the Rolveran Genocides and dredging up anti-Maradan sentiment worldwide.
  • Period: to

    Siege of Axedeep

    Mardanese forces led by General Joorahn surround Axedeep and collapse exit tunnels leading out of the city. While the city is heavily fortified and self-sufficient, Axedeep is no longer able to provide reinforcements to Glasspeak forces.
  • Battle of King's Dune

    After years of slowly being pushed north, General Colt of the Eastern Jungles makes an ill-advised stand at King's Dune, just south of Seventh Star. Colt and most of his army are killed, with close to a fifth taken as war prisoners. With Colt and his high-ranking lieutenants dead, an entirely new General-Defensive and her associated commanders are selected from among the reserves in Seventh Star--General Seven Thundercloud of the Thundering Storm (General Seven).
  • The Burning of the Pridesands

    Started by Mardanese raids on border villages, a massive wildfire breaks out in the scrublands of the northern Pridesands. The fires separate Tabaxi and Mardanese forces, with both sides retreating out of range of the fires for a time.
  • Period: to

    The Rolveran Genocides

    With progress in the Glasspeak Kingdoms slow and the Mardanese military overextended and unable to police the savannas and jungles, King Yeren II of Maradan legally declares orcs, goblinoids, and lizardfolk as monsters and offers bounties for their extermination. This sees an influx of non-military violence (as well as continued military violence) against the people of central Rolvera. Eventually the Underdark races and half-human hybrids of the "monstrous races" are added to this list.
  • Battle of Xo'Oma

    After a long period of having Xo'Oman trade and military caravans harassed by a group of Greylight marauders called the Crimson Sabres (led by Greylight war veteran Kerzan Zakar), Marquis Tytho leads his militiamen out to hunt them down. The Crimson Sabres catch them by ambush and Tytho's forces retreat; Tytho dies of his injuries before reaching Xo'Oma.
  • Battle of Martyr Mesa

    General Fall leads a battalion of soldiers into the mountains and hits a major Mardanese supply line with a surprise attack. She handily wins the battle. Shortly afterward, General Zampho begins executing a number of his own officers, whom he blames for setting up the now-defunct supply lines and for losing ground against General Blaze.
  • Battle of Brazion Valley

    General Blaze closes in on General Zampho and his forces in Brazion Valley. The largest eastern-front battle to date ends with Zampho captured and a large chunk of his forces killed, captured, or fleeing. The fleeing forces flock to Major Duras, who replaces Zampho as General.
  • Battle of Ta Wastes

    After years of steady harassment, the Crimson Sabres have caused enough damage to Mardanese supply lines and settlements in the Greylight Plains to catch the attention of General Joorahn of Maradan, who finds and defeats them. The remaining Crimson Sabres scatter into the Ta Wastes.
  • Period: to

    Second Siege of Valment

    The eastern front pushes southward enough so that the Tabaxi forces once again begin sieging Valment. Previously staying on the backlines due to her comparative inexperience, General Seven proves to be a masterful siege tactician and captures the city, freeing a great many Tabaxi war prisoners in the process. A number of Mardanese citizens in Valment defect to the Tabaxis' side.
  • Battle of Purja Pond

    General Blaze pushes his forces south into the Zimmer Scablands, and is ambushed and captured by General Duras. Blaze is executed shortly afterward and the Tabaxi forces retreat northward, abandoning Valment. Blaze is replaced by General Burning Winter of the Whistling Grass (Winter).
  • Assassination of General Murza

    Mardanese General Murza is found dead in his war-camp tent; the assassin was never caught, but is assumed to be a Glasspeaks operative. Mardanese progression towards Crystaldeep falters as the army tries to find a replacement for Murza.
  • Siege of Seventh Star

    With Tabaxi forces in general disarray after the loss of General Blaze and a new General-Offensive that has frankly proved ineffective, General Seven pulls her forces in to protect Seventh Star. General Fall disappears along with her best troops, seeking out a new advantage to turn back the tides once more.