Chapter 1/Pages 3-14(11)
Catniss the main character goes out into the woods to meet Gale. The woods are forbiden but if Catniss doesnt go hunt for food she and her family will starve. -
chapter 1&2/pages 14- 29(15)
In the book her sister Prim gets pick for tribute for the hunger games. Then Catniss volunteers as tribute( to take her sister place). -
Chapter 2&3/pages29-37(34)
Catniss is taken into custody and brought into the justice building. which prevents them from being able to run away so that they dont have to fight in the hunger games -
19 Sep 2012, Chapter 3&4/ pages 37-58(58)
Catniss gets preped for the hunger games will she is still trying to catch game for her mom and sister. -
pages 58-70(70)pages
Catniss is getting tips for the battle so that she doesnt get caught up by the districk volunteers for 1&2 -
26 Sep 2012 pages 70-90(90)
Catniss and Petta are told srtadegys to win the hunger games -
30 sep 2012 pages 90-140
she shoots an arrow at the gamemakers to try to get there sttention and they give her an 11 but she was suspecting getting a 7. and petta reveals that he has had a crush on catniss for a long time -
pages 140-200
The hunger games begin and catniss is on to a great start watching people do things that get them killed by the better districts. -
pages 200-293
Catniss and rue blow up the district 1 and 2 alliance supplies but rue gets killed because she is struck by a spear. she finds petta and he is injured. she brings him to a cave ctaniss gets a bag of goods to heal pettas leg -
pages 293-374
Catniss and petta win the hunger games. Vicious dog type tings come after them. they get on top of the cornicpia and hide out when Cato ends up being there. they throw him of the edge to the dogs. they win