Marcus Garvey- Pyle

  • Period: to

    Marcus Garvey LIfespan

  • Took Place in the Unofficial Printers Strike

  • He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association

    He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association
  • He began publishing a newspaper called "Negro World"

    He began publishing a newspaper called "Negro World"
  • Garvey and UNIA launched Black Star

    Garvey and UNIA launched Black Star
    Black Star was a shipping company that would establish trade and commerce between Africans in America, the Caribbean, South and Central America, Canada and Africa.
  • Garvey was sentenced to prison for 5 years

    They claimed that Garvey was a victim of a politically motivated miscarriage of justice
  • Realeased year

    Garvey was realeased from prison and was deported back to Jamaica.
  • Garvey and Senator Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi

    The Greater Liberia Act of 1939 would deport 12 million African-Americans to Liberia at federal expense to relieve unemployment. Failed because of Congress.
  • Garvey passed

    Passed away in London, England due to several strokes