Marcus gravey

Marcus Garvey

  • Date Of Birth

    Date Of Birth
    Marcus Garvey was born on August 17, 1887. He was born in Saint Ann's Bay In Jamaica.
  • Union Activities

    Union Activities
    “On 1903 he traveled to Kingston, Jamaica, and soon became involved in union activities. this is the website I got it on.
  • unsuccessful printer strike

    unsuccessful printer strike
    “He took part in a unsuccessful printer strike and the experience kindle him in a passion for political activism”.
  • return to Jamaica

    return to Jamaica
    “Inspired by these experiences, Marcus Garvey returned to Jamaica in 1912 and founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (U.N.I.A.) with the goal of uniting all of African diaspora to "establish a country and absolute government of their own”
  • Booker T. Washington

    Booker T. Washington
    “After corresponding with Booker T. Washington, the American educator who founded Tuskegee Institute, Garvey traveled to the United States in 1916 to raise funds for a similar venture in Jamaica”.
  • U.N.I.A.

    “on 1919, Marcus Garvey and U.N.I.A. had launched the Black Star Line, a shipping company that would establish trade and commerce between Africans in America, the Caribbean, South and Central America, Canada and africa”.
  • Death

    Marcus Garvey was buried in St. Mary's Roman Catholic cemetery in Kensal Green, London.
  • national hero park

    national hero park
    “In 1964, his remains were exhumed and taken to Jamaica, where the government proclaimed him Jamaica's first national hero and re-interred him at a shrine on the National Heroes Park. But his memory and influence remain. His message of pride and dignity inspired many in the early days of the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s”.