Marcos Era and people power revaluation

  • Ferdinand Marcos Elected for Filipino President

    Ferdinand Marcos Elected for Filipino President
    He was elected for the first time, most Filipino was happy.
  • Marcos reellcted

    Marcos reellcted
    First filipino president to reelect. Many filipinos believed Marcos cheated and changed the vote count
  • Period: to

    First Quarter storm

    The first sign to people power. In this time people against Marcos's regime started to composed of a series of heavy demonstrations, protests, and marches against the government.
  • Battle Of Mendiola

    Battle Of Mendiola
    By students, attacking the Malacañang palace.
    4 students died.
  • First Constitutional convention

    First  Constitutional convention
    The first try of Marcos to the Change the government type from presidential government to Parliamentary style. Rejected from most sensors, one of then was "Ninoy" Aquino.
  • Plaza Miranda Boming

    Plaza Miranda Boming
    happened by the communist party.Marcos used this event as the main trigger for the martial law.
  • Declaration of Martial Law

    Declaration of Martial Law
    In September 23, Marcos declared over the Philippines. In his speech he said that the martial law was declared in September 21. People believe they did that because the Marcos family believe in the number 7 and his multiplication.
  • Ninoy Aquino/ Jose Diokno Were arrested.

    Ninoy Aquino/ Jose Diokno Were arrested.
    IN the same day the Marcos declare Martial law.
    People believed Marcos arrested them because the rejected Marcos idea to change the Government type.
  • Marcos CONSTITUTION ratified

    Marcos CONSTITUTION ratified
    The second CONSTITUTION.
    Marcos take many people and asked how wants rice, the people rise their hands and the govermet take a image of that and said that the citizens support the idea.
  • LABAN Party Foundation

    LABAN Party Foundation
    Founded to win Marcos and protest.
    Was run by Ninoy Aquino that was in jail and sentence to death in that time
  • Noise Barrage

    Noise Barrage
    Night before the election. filipinos make a lot of noise in support of LABAN.
  • Aquino heart attack

    Aquino heart attack
    After Aquino heart attack, he needed a surgery in foreign country.
    He ask Marcos to let him do to a surgery and he send him to the US.
  • 4th Marcos election

    4th Marcos election
    Another fake election. All main opposition have boycotted the election. Marcos win by 88%.
  • Aquino assassination

    Aquino assassination
    No one know who killed him. When Aquino went to the Philippines he know that his death will be a possible option. it was the main trigger to start the revolution.
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    Confetti Revelation

    A new type of protesting. Leaded by Ninoy Aquino's wife Corazon "Cory" Aquino. The color that represented the revelation was yellow.
  • Marcos call for snap election

    Marcos call for snap election
    During interview in American broadcast to show that he is stil popular in the Philippines. He gave the other parties only 60 days to prepare to the election .
  • Period: to


    POEPLE POWER REVELATION. General Fidel V. Ramos and Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile defected from the military. They have barricaded them self in Camp Crame. Marcos announced that he will take than and put them to jail. Millions of Filipinos went to ESDA rode to prevent Marcos soldiers from taking them.
  • Marcos family flees Philippines

    Marcos family flees Philippines
    Cory Aquino said to Marcos to flee from the Philippines.
    They went to Hawaii with help of the Americans.