Marco Polo

  • 1254

    Macro Polo was Born

    Macro Polo was Born
    In the year 1254 Marco Polo was born in Venice Italy.
  • 1271

    Marco Polo Travels

    Marco Polo Travels
    Marco Polo leaves Italy to travel to Asia with his dad and uncle.
  • 1275

    Marco Polo Arrives in Asia

    Marco Polo Arrives in Asia
    Marco Polo arrives at the court of Kublai Khan (the ruler of Asia) in the year 1275.
  • 1275

    Marco Polo Serves Kublai Khan

    Marco Polo Serves Kublai Khan
    Marco Polo acts as Kublai Khan´s servant for 16 years by traveling to the outer parts of his Kingdom and reporting what he learned from these places back to Kublai Khan through interesting stories.
  • 1291

    Marco Polo Gets to go Home

    Marco Polo Gets to go Home
    In 1291 Marco Polo is granted permission to go back to Venice, as long as on the way back they drop of Khutulun (a Mongolian princess) in Persia so that she can get married to the Persian Khan.
  • 1295

    Marco Polo Arrives Home

    Marco Polo Arrives Home
    After a 24 year long period Marco Polo arrives back in Venice barely able to speak his native language in the year 1295.
  • 1298

    Marco Polo Goes to Prison

    Marco Polo Goes to Prison
    During a sea battle in the year 1298 Marco Polo is captured and put into a Genoa prison.
  • 1298

    Marco Polo Tells His Journey

    Marco Polo Tells His Journey
    While Marco Polo was in prison he entertained his cell mates by telling them interesting stories about his journeys through Asia. However one of his cellmates was Rustichello da Pisa a writer who made a book about the journeys Marco Polo told him about.
  • 1299

    Marco Polo Gets Released From Prison

    Marco Polo Gets Released From Prison
    Marco Polo gets released from prison the goes home and gets married and as three kids with Donata Badoer.
  • 1324

    Marco Polo Dies

    Marco Polo Dies
    Marco Polo dies in Venice Italy in the year 1324.