Jan 1, 1254
birth of marco polo
marco polo was born around 1254 to a wealthey ventian mechant
family though full date and place are unkown -
Period: Jan 1, 1254 to Jan 1, 1271
life before journy
this time is betwen birth and when he left for mongolia -
Period: Jan 1, 1259 to Jan 1, 1269
from bejjing to venice
on the return journy of marco polo he escorted a monglian
princess to perisa as to marry a perisan chief -
Jan 1, 1271
start of journy to china
when marco was 15 his uncle and dad returned from china
and were coming to take him and and some priests to kubui kahn
they were not a able to furfill kubui kahns request but some prieists
came with them -
Period: Jan 1, 1271 to Jan 1, 1275
traveling to bejjing
this timespan is when he was traveling to the summer
palece in bejjing on the way marco he travel though
the gobi deasert and the painmar mountains
in the mountains marco colected a illness and stayed there for an exstraned time -
Period: Jan 1, 1271 to Jan 1, 1275
marco polo travels though mongol empire
marco polo travel though mongolia and china at that time china was
called cathay -
Jan 1, 1275
arivail of marco polo at bejjing
arived at bejjing and kubi khans summer place in cathay
choesen for work for kubi khan -
Period: Nov 12, 1275 to Nov 12, 1295
working for the khans
Jan 1, 1295
the return to venice
on his return to venice he has troule speaking italian and
helps fight the geonease in conflict with venice -
Nov 12, 1313
writing the millon
while captured by geonease soliders his fellow prisoner russicalo
wrote the millon a book on his travels this year was an esitamte as
i could not find the full year -
Jan 1, 1324
death of marco polo
he died in venice 1234 after his great 24 year journy and was a star
of his age and in his death bed his enemys tried to make him confess his book was frictaion witch gave birth to the saying
i only told you half of what i saw