Jan 1, 1254
Marco Polo Was Born
Marco was born in 1254 in Venice Italy (Stewart 71). Polo was born into a wealthy merchant family. His mother died when Marco was at a young age. Most of childhood Marco spent parentless. Marcos Father and unlce were successful jewel merchants and were in Asia for most of Marco's youth (Marco Polo Biography). -
Jan 1, 1255
Henry III
The Pope grants Sicily to Henry III and he accepted it. Henry accepted it for his younger son Edmund. Sicily wasn't under the Popes control though, it was under Hohenstaufens. The family of a German Emperor. Henry and the Pope made a plan to make England pay for Sicily. This lead to the Pope raise taxes on the church (Henry III and Rebellion). -
Jan 28, 1256
German Emperor
German Emperor Willem Earl II of Holland and Germany dies. He died at the age of 22. He was elected Emperor of the Roman Church in 1247. He only served this for eleven years (Holland Events In History). -
Jan 1, 1260
Marco's Father and Uncle Search For Few Trade
Since, Marcos father and Uncle were successful jewel merchants, in 1260 they set out from Soldaia in search of new trade. Later did Marco know that when he got older he would be traveling with them. The father and uncle mostly traveled between Asia and Europe (Marco Polo Biography). -
Jan 1, 1262
Invited To China
Marco's Uncle and Father were invited to China to meet Kublai Khan (Stewart 71). Kublai Khan was the grandson of Ghangis Khan. He was control of the Mongol Empire (Kublai Khan). -
Jan 1, 1267
London Fights
The Guilds of Goldsmiths and Tailorshad had a dispute that escalated into something bigger than expected. There arent any records of what started it but we do know that over 500 men were involved. Many of these men were injuried or killed (From Street Fights To Empire). -
Jan 1, 1271
Begins Traveling
Marco begins to start his traveling with his uncle and father. (Stewart 71). Khan requested about 100 priests and they only had two. Realizing that this wasnt going to be an easy journy they turned back to home. The Polo's had to go through tought terrain on their journey. One of the biggest obstacles they had to cross was the Gobi Desert (Marco Polo Biography). -
Jan 1, 1271
Kublai Khan Defeats China
Kublai Khan defeated many of the Chinese dynasties. First he defeated the Song Dynasty. That lead him to declaring himself the first ever emperor of the Yaun Dynasty. This meant that he ruled over China, Mongolia and Korea (Szczepanski). -
Jan 1, 1274
Meeting Kublai Khan
Marco, his father and uncle finally arrive in china and meet Kublai Khan (Stewart 71). Niccolo and Maffeo were appointed high positions in the leaders court. Later, Khan employed Marco as a special envoy. This meant that Marco was sent out to other parts of Asia that weren't expored by Europeans yet. As the years went on Marco was promoted to a govenor of a Chinese city. After a couple years passed Khan appointed him as an offical of the Privy Council (Marco Polo Biography). -
Jan 1, 1292
Mongol Princess
Marco brings a Mongol princess to Hormuz on the Persian Gulf (Stewart 71). The princesses name was Princess Koekecin.They left from the city Quanzhou. This was the biggest port of whole china at the time (Mongol Princess). The princess was planned on getting married to a persian prince. She traveled on the boat with the Polo's on their way home to venice (Marco Polo Biography). -
Jan 1, 1295
Returns Home
Marco returns home to Venice Italy (Stewart 71). After serving 17 years in Khans court all the Polos decided to go back home. Khan was not happy with the men's decision because he has learned to rely on them. They travled by sea with many other passengers. With many travelers that lead to many diseases where many people. Luckily the Polo's and the Mongolian Princess survived. When they arrived at Venice they had a difficult time speaking the native language (Marco Polo Biography). -
Jan 1, 1296
Just a couple years after arriving home Marco commanded a ship in a war against Genoa. Venic's rival city. Marco was captured and put into a Genoese prison. In prison he met a writer named Rustichello. They became friends and Marco told him all about his travel and days in China (Marco Polo Biography). -
Jan 1, 1298
Later on, Marco's stories about his traveling, what he saw and all of his accomplishments were made into a book. This book was orginally called The Description Of The World. Later it was known as The Travels Of Marco Polo (Marco Polo Biography). -
Jan 1, 1299
When Marco Polo was released from jail he became a celebrity. The book was printed in many diffferent languages like, French, Italian, and Latin. This became the most popular book in Europe.Some readers didnt believe the story, the thought it was fiction. Later the book gained another title called 1l Milione. This meant The Million Lies (Marco Polo Biography). -
Jan 1, 1299
Treaties between Venice, Turks, France and Germany were all signed (Grun 141). First Edward I signed the treaty with France. This gave Flanders to France. Then Venice signs one with the Turks (All About Crusades). -
Jan 1, 1315
Swiss Victory
Swiss forces gained a victory over Leopold I the Duke of Austria. This was the Batlle of Morgarten. This help the the Swiss gain more alliance. By 1353 Switzerland was created (1300-1400 AD). -
Jan 8, 1324
Marco Polo Died
After his book was released Marco carried on with his life likemarrying having kids and a career. When he was dying his friends and family tried to make him confess that his book was fiction. All Marco said was " I have not told half of what I saw." (Marco Polo Biography).