Trust Vs. Mistrust
Briell is born her mother is her only caretaker. She relies on her mother and is easily soothed by her mothers voice and affection.
In Erikson's 1st stage an infant develops a sense of trust when interactions provide reliability, care and affection. A lack of this will lead to mistrust. -
Autonomy Vs. Shame
Justin (age 3) and his mother are looking through his new school clothes. Justin's mother is encouraging him to try clothes on to see how they fit. Justin can put the shirt on, whether it be backwards or head through the arm hole. His mother is being very supportive and encouraging.
In Ericsson's second stage autonomy Vs. Shame is the stage occurs between the ages of 18 months and 3 yrs old. The infant develops a sense of personal control over physical skills and a sense of independence. -
Intimacy Vs. Isolation
Marche (Age 23) and Jason get married because they are in love and can't see their lives without each other.
In Erikson's 5th stage, intimacy Vs. Isolation, the conflict is forming intimate, loving relationships with other people. Success leads to strong relationships, while failure results in loneliness and isolation.