
March Toward the Thunder

By 116993
  • Period: to

    Civil war

  • Bloody angle

    This was a battle between the Union and the Rebals ina battle that general Graant led his army into a Confederate march to cut them off. They battled for 23 straight hours
  • Ambush

    Louis and 2 other rigements get attacked by the 2nd North Carolina. But first they ambushed the 1st of North Carolina.
  • Cold harbor

    Louis and 3 other regiments attack the Rebals. They attacked the Rebals while they were trying to dig a trench to hold them back but the caught them off gaurd
  • Prisonors

    Louis and 1 other regiment take a bunch of Rebals in a ambush
  • Deaths

    Sergant Flynn is dead and louis gets shot