
March 21st Timeline

  • Beethoven's Quartet #13

    Beethoven's Quartet #13
    Beautifully played in B flat Major and premiered by Schuppanzigh Quartet. Dedicated to Nikolai Galitzen.
  • Hitler Meets with Friends

    Hitler Meets with Friends
    Hitler meets with Guring, Prince Puperecht, Bruning, and top army in Berlin.
  • Assassination Attempt On Hitler

    Assassination Attempt On Hitler
    Attempted by Henning von Tresckow, Fabian von Schlabrendorff, and Rudolf Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff, the mission failed.
  • First Earth Day Proclimation Issued

    First Earth Day Proclimation Issued
    Issued by San Fransisco Mayor Joseph Alioto, the first Earth Day was born!
  • Olympics Silver

    Olympics Silver
  • Ronaldinho Gaucho

    Ronaldinho Gaucho
    Ronald Gaucho born in 1980 on the 21st of March. As an amazing soccer player for Brazil, he has scored 255 goals total. He also has achieved 138 assists while ranking an international fútboller.
  • Autumn was Born!

    Autumn was Born!
    I was born on March 21st in 2000 in Denver Colorado! Go Otter Pop!