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Hawkins, Odyssey

  • 1299 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The Trojan War was put into affect after women were abducted and held captive. One woman happened to be Helen of Sparta by a Trojan named Prince Paris. In response, Menelaus (Queen Helens husband) persuades his brother Agamemnon to sail to Troy to be reunited with Helen. Menelaus also persuades others to recruit and contribute to the upcoming war. Odysseus has part in this due to the fact that he was one who came to troy in response of helping Menelaus.
  • 1299 BCE

    Trojan War (P2)

    Trojan War (P2)
    Odysseus was a greek who came to Troy specifically to help Menelaus help get Helen back.In the battle, he was clever enough to somewhat fool the Trojan warriors to think that the Greeks just gave up without actually telling them it.He requested the Greekwarriors to build an enormous horse made out of wood to leave it out the Troy’s gates at night. They all technically camped in the horse and once the plan was put into action, Greek soldiers came out and started their war which wasa huge success.
  • 1299 BCE

    Trojan War (Analysis)

    Trojan War (Analysis)
    I believe that Odysseus is super clever for his thoughtful act and it’s the reason as to why the war was won. What Odysseus gained from this was recognition for being instrumental for having the Greeks win the war with consideration to sit and think. This is important not only because of how it was the earliest recorded myth written down but it can show how to have faith in your first thoughts even if you’re not 100% sure (depending on the situation).
  • 1299 BCE

    Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Lotus Eaters were the group of people whom tried to offer Odysseus and his men with their lotus plants specifically to eat while on the voyage. He knew about what would happen if it was eaten especially on their voyage. They would remain in the same place with no other thoughts of leaving. In response, he trailed his crew back to their ship where he ties them up onto their oars.
  • 1299 BCE

    Lotus Eaters (Analysis)

    Lotus Eaters (Analysis)
    I feel as though Odysseus’ knowledge helped him realize how persuasive things can be especially when you know it isn’t safe nor worth it. This can show significance considering him and his men and how even though he basically runs them, he can’t trust nor follow after them. All though they’re lack voyage travels, Odysseus still tries to help them despite the annoyance. If this wasn’t carefully thought of they would’ve forgotten their purposes in life.
  • 1299 BCE


    Odysseus and his men were held captive by the Cyclopes. He sees them as lazy and with no meaning considering they show no remorse nor respect for other Gods. So in order for him and his men to escape Polyphemus, Odysseus successfully persuades him into being drunk and having the name “Nohbdy” in order to blind him by plunging a stake into his eye while he was asleep so their escape wouldn’t be remembered nor witnessed.
  • 1299 BCE

    Cyclops (Analysis)

    Cyclops (Analysis)
    Odysseus resolves to harm because him and his men are held captive and how he has another reasoning to it too considering how the cyclops show no respect. There are multiple cyclopes and he ended up with Polyphemus. Odysseus is very persuasive and was able to trick a cyclops as well. He doesn’t kill the cyclops because he wants to be able to escape the cave.
  • 1299 BCE

    Aeolus - Bag of Wind

    Aeolus - Bag of Wind
    Odysseus receives a bag of wind from Aeolus as a gift. When they were on the voyage on their way to Ithaca one of his men opens the bag to where all the bad winds were released. This lead in result of the winds taking them back to Aeolus’ island where he refused to help them. But when Odysseus leaves the island, the winds unexpectedly leads them to Circes island.
  • 1299 BCE

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind (Analysis)

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind (Analysis)
    Odysseus may need to watch his men because of how they’re in the way of him being able to get through journeys without additional trouble. He was technically held back by force because someones curiosity got the best of them. I think Aeolus may not be able to trust Odysseus due to this accident considering him not getting the help he needed at the time.
  • 1299 BCE


    Odysseus and his men are being led to the home of Circe by force from the bad winds. She is a mischevious witch with the power more than death but turns Odysseus’ men into pigs. In the process of him in attempt to save his men, he was almost drugged but was saved by the God, Hermes when he told Odysseus to take some herb for protection. This unexpectedly worked repelling him from Circe's magic.
  • 1299 BCE

    Circe (Analysis)

    Circe (Analysis)
    Odysseus shows nothing considering fear or loss of concentration which shows his determination of getting his men back despite the big mess they’ve gotten themselves into. If distraction was showed (not including the herb) their journey would be discontinued since all the focus is on Odysseus since he’s a savior towards his men. This forceful problem can just tell us this journey is going to continue. So far, this just shows how Odysseus would do anything for his men.
  • 1299 BCE


    Sirens are women that sing to lure selected men in. Whoever hears such beautiful singing, will instantly forget any family who have relations with including their lady. Circe warned Odysseus about this previously so him and his men were already prepared to pass the Sirens. He reminded his crew to keep their hopes up considering how their life is basically on the line.
  • 1299 BCE

    Sirens (Analysis)

    Sirens (Analysis)
    While Odysseus’ sailing with his men, they see the sirens on their designated island. The men were already warned and ready for what awaited in their attempted battle. In my picture it shows how Odysseus is tied while the women are trying to lure them. Along with the men ignoring them, still rowing. In result of that, the sirens result to their death by somewhat drowning. Odysseus and his men were able to get out.
  • 1299 BCE

    Helios’ cattle

    Helios’ cattle
    Helios’ Cattle are cattle whom represent the God of the sun, Helios. HIs immortal cattle were described as handsome, wide-browed, fat and straight-horned. Helios complains of the violation to Zeus and the assembled Olympian gods, threatening to take his light down to the underworld if Odysseus' men are not punished.-
  • 1299 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Scylla from Circe’s description is a monster with twelve tentacles along with 6 heads. Charybdis in fact, was the whirlpool while Scylla would eat six crew members in significance of her head count. Both would work together to absolutely destroy men considering Charybdis destroys their ships as well. Scylla is seen as one of the most strongest supernatural female creatures in the Odyssey. Odysseus sacrifices 6 men to Scylla in result.
  • 1299 BCE

    Helios’ cattle (P2)

    Helios’ cattle (P2)
    -Helios has complaints considering the violations towards Zeus along with fellow assembled Olympian Gods. They threatened to take the light down to the underworlds if Odysseus’ crew are not punished. Zeus grants this threat and in result, the ship was destroyed with a lightning bold once it left the island leaving Odysseus the only survivor.
  • 1299 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis (Analysis)

    Scylla and Charybdis (Analysis)
    In book 12 Circe gave Odysseus a heads up on the description on Scylla so he knows what he’s going to be up against. She is described as a horrible six-headed monster with a strong whirlpool named Charybdis. Another monster that plans an attack from under the victims. The description is awfully weird and displeasing but it can give Odysseus images so that he can have ideas as to what type of situation he’s going to be plotted with. He requests advice on the battle against the monsters.
  • 1299 BCE

    Helios' Cattle (Analysis)

    Helios' Cattle (Analysis)
    Circe was the one to warn Odysseus about this as well, telling him and his men to not make one wrong move or it’ll result them into possibly dying. However, Odysseus' men end up letting their hunger take them overtake them and they decided to eat Helios' Cattle. This warning wasn’t enough to convince Odysseus’ men to not give in. They let their hunger over rule them and in conclusion, they ate the Cattle. (See part 2!)
  • 1299 BCE

    Suiters/Home (Analysis)

    Suiters/Home (Analysis)
    Odysseus is finally back home and arrives in Ithaca where suitors are trying to compete in a challenge to take Odysseus' wife's hand in marriage. He was seen having a first weird approach to the suitors. They laughed in his face because he was disguised as an old man. These suitors were begging for Penelope’s love for many years and in result, was killed by Odysseus leaving superficial wounds. I think he was very clever and loyal
  • 1299 BCE

    Helios' Cattle (Analysis P2)

    Helios' Cattle (Analysis P2)
    After that, I think Odysseus should be more cautious with them. Considering how terrible his men are with following rules.
  • 1299 BCE


    When Odysseus comes back to Ithaca, shock risen in peoples faces because he’s been missing for years thinking he died in troy or in the middle of his journey. Suitors were in his mansion possibly throughout the years begging for Penelope’s hand in marriage (his wife). They were called “suitors” due to the fact that they come from different area’s in destine of love. (See P2!)
  • 1299 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis (P2)

    Scylla and Charybdis (P2)
    Odysseus receives a heads up on Scylla and Charybdis. On how Scylla is a six headed monster while Charybdis is a giant whirlpool. Once him and his crew arrive to the island, Odysseus avoids the whirlpool and gives six of his men up to Scylla while trying to side the monster(Scylla!). He pushes through not giving up while up against Scylla, having realization into the more men he can loose.
  • 1299 BCE

    Suiters/Home (P2)

    Suiters/Home (P2)
    In conclusion, Odysseus comes back to his Wife not believing him until she has her servants misplace their bed. Odysseus gives the correct response and is reunited with her.