Maping Life Journey

  • Learned to Walk

    Learned to Walk
    Biological- all body parts working in synch to learn no life skill
  • My Sister was Born

    My Sister was Born
    Psychological- my whole life had to be re learned to have a new sibling.
  • First Day of Kinder-garden

    First Day of Kinder-garden
  • Started Gymnastics

    Started Gymnastics
    Biological- my body had to learn to use different muscle groups from environmental stimulation

    Psychological- no social interactions with people besides my sister and parents
  • Going through Puberty

    Going through Puberty
  • Starting Cheerleading

    Starting Cheerleading
    Societal- finding myself in a new group of people and identifying with that group
  • Getting my First Job

    Getting my First Job
    Psychological- I had to be responsible and learn to take care of my own schedule
  • Dating my Boyfriend

    Dating my Boyfriend
  • Learning to Drive

    Learning to Drive
    Biological- staying alert and understanding multitasking skills
  • Joining NHS

    Joining NHS
    Societal- staying on top of school work and trying to identify with a new group
  • Getting hurt in Gymnastics

    Getting hurt in Gymnastics
    Biological- my body did not function the correct way to do my life style choices of doing gymnastics
  • Graduating College

    Graduating College
  • Getting Married

    Getting Married
  • Become a Teacher

    Become a Teacher
  • Have Kids!

    Have Kids!