Map of my Life

  • Oct 22, 2008

    I was born on October 22, 2008 in Memorial Hospital in South Bend, IN.
  • June 2011

    The day I moved from South Bend, Indiana to Media Pennsylvania.
  • First Year of Baseball

    My first year that I played little league.
  • First day of Kindergarden

    The day i started Kindergarten at Middletown Montessori school.
  • Day my little brother was born.

    My brother Ben was born July 7, 2016.
  • The day we got our dog

    We got our dog named Cola as a family christmas Gift.
  • My last little league game

    I played my last little league game which was very eventful on July 14th.
  • When I broke my arm

    I broke my arm riding my sisters bike and was out of sports for 8 weeks.
  • Phoenix Arizona

    Me and my dad went to Phoenix Arizona for a Coke trip for his work.
  • My baseball Trip to West Palm Beach

    I took a trip with my travel team to West Palm Beach to play in a tournament.