Manufacturing timeline thing

  • U.S steel was formed

    U.S steel was formed
    The U.S steel was formed co-founded by J.P Morgan
  • President Mckinely Shot

    President Mckinely Shot
    President Mckinely was shot by Leon Czologaze on march 6th and later died on sept 4th from his wound and Theodore Roesevelt took over
  • The 28th president

    The 28th president
    Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated as the 28th President
  • First controlled airplane takes flight

    First controlled airplane takes flight
    The first ever controlled airplane takes flight by the Wright Brothers
  • The fair labor standers act became a law

    The fair labor standers act became a law
  • The Jet engine developed

    The Jet engine developed
    The Jet engine was developed by Frank Whittle, Hans Von Ohain, and Albert Fono
  • Untied Nations is Established

      Untied Nations is Established
  • first solar power house

    first solar power house
    The first 100% solar powered house was owned by Maria Talkes
  • Presidential Succession Act

    Presidential Succession Act
    The presidential succession act is signed into law by president Truman.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    from 1950 to 1953 it last 3 years
  • First CAD software created

    First CAD software created
    CAD- Computer-aided design
  • The discovery of Led lighting

    The discovery of Led lighting
  • The first U.S Astronaut

    The first U.S Astronaut
    The first U.S male astronaut to be in orbit was Alan B. Shepard
  • OSHA was added into America workplaces

    OSHA was added into America workplaces
    OSHA- occupational safety and health act standers are put into the U.S workplaces
  • Voting age changed

    Voting age changed
    The 26th amendment of the constitution was to lower the voting age from 21 to 18
  • ABB robotics and kuka robotics

    ABB robotics and kuka robotics
    ABB robotics and kuka robotis introduced industral robots
  • The start of Microsoft

    The start of Microsoft
    Bill gates and Paul Allen work to develop the Microsoft computer software
  • The rise of 3D printing

    The rise of 3D printing
    3D printing was invented by Charles W. Hull
  • First women into the supreme court

    First women into the supreme court
    Sandra Day O'conner is sworn as the first women into the supreme court of justice
  • PC was made by IBM

    PC was made by IBM
    The first PC was produced by IBM
    IBM- International Business Machines
  • Iraqi trops

    Iraqi trops
    Iraqi troops invade Kuwait leading to the Persian gulf war
  • Robots use in manufacturing

    Robots use in manufacturing
    robots are being used more in manufacturing
  • 9/11

    Both world trade centers in New York the pentagon and a random filled where all hit by planes they hit the towers and soon after they both fell over 3000 people died on that day. Forever gone but never forgotten
  • MEIA

    MEIA- manufacturing enterprise intrgration Act
    of 2002 was enacted to develop