Manufacturing blog

Manufacturing in the 1900s

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    Manufacturing in the 1900s

    History of Manufacturing
  • Theodore Roosevelt elected for president

    Theodore Roosevelt elected for president
  • Model T Automobile

    Model T Automobile
    Model T Automobile was created by Henry Ford
  • Ford Installs First Moving Assembly Line

    Ford Installs First Moving Assembly Line
    Henry Ford created the first moving assembly line for the mass production of automobiles
  • US entering WWI

    US entering WWI
  • 19 Amendment is passed

    19 Amendment is passed
    The 19th Amendment gives women the right to vote
  • Loud Speaker System is invented

    Loud Speaker System is invented
    Chester Rice and Edward Kellogg, invented the modern loudspeaker system
  • Lean Manufacturing

    Lean Manufacturing
    Toyota develops the "Just-In-Time" manufacturing and the "autonomation".
  • WWII Starts

    WWII Starts
    US declares war on Japan
  • WWII Ends

    WWII Ends
    Japan Surrenders
  • International Organization for Standardization Founded

    International Organization for Standardization Founded
    ISO is founded to develop international standards for business and technology
  • Invention of Barcode

    Invention of Barcode
    Found on almost all items used today, the barcode was originally used to identify railroad cars and was invented by Joseph Woodland.
  • Dwight Eisenhower is inaugurated as the 34th President

    Dwight Eisenhower is inaugurated as the 34th President
  • The Development and use of overall equipment effectiveness

    The Development and use of overall equipment effectiveness
    Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a hierarchy of metric developed to Seiichi Nakajima in the 1960s to evaluate how effectively a manufacturing operation is utilized.
  • Discovery of LED Lighting

    Discovery of LED Lighting
    General Electric Company scientist, Nick Holonyack, invented the first visible light LED.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    MLK Jr. delivers his "I Have a Dream" speech before a crowd of 200,000.
  • The occupational safety and health act (OSHA) introduced

    The occupational safety and health act (OSHA) introduced
    OSHa standards around safety and health in the American workplace, and primarily in the American manufacturing industry are developed and put in place.
  • Industrial Robots Introduced

    Industrial Robots Introduced
    ABB robotics and KUKA robotics introduce industrial robots to the European market and they are quickly adopted in the US.
  • IACs helps boost efficiency for small and medium manufacturers

    IACs helps boost efficiency for small and medium manufacturers
    Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) were created by the department of commerce in 1976 and later moved to the new Department of Energy in 1978
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    Inaugurated as the 39th president.
  • Smart Cameras are Developed

    Smart Cameras are Developed
    Character, date and code verification performed by cameras and machine vision systems for manufacturing begin development.
  • 3D printing comes of age

    3D printing comes of age
    3D printing became more normalized when 3D systems developed the stereolithographic apparatus (SLA)
  • 9/11 Attacks

    9/11 Attacks
    Terrorist attack World Trade Centers in New York
  • Enterprise Integration Act

    Enterprise Integration Act
    The Enterprise Integration Act authorized the sprawling National Institute of Standards and Technology to collaborate with major manufacturing industries in developing and implementing standards for enterprise integration in the 21st century.
  • President Obama

    President Obama
    Obama is elected as the first African American President of the United States
  • NNMI (now known as manufacturing USA) was created

    NNMI (now known as manufacturing USA) was created
    Manufacturing USA consists of multiple linked Manufacturing Innovation Institutes.